Want to enter a new world!!! Then identify yourself with it!!!

Want to enter a new world!!! Then identify yourself with it!!!

I am sure whatever things you choose or select, you identify yourself with it!! The books you buy, the fashion statement you follow, the food you like to eat, the one you choose your life partner…   these may be some of the  things you can relate yourself with it…

So, if you have made half your mind of going abroad but still in the confusious state then following are the reasons you can identify yourself with if you want to be into a completely new world..

1)    Trying out a new culture — If you have seen movie English Vinglish and remember a scene where Sridevi finds it difficult to order coffee and sandwich for her. How are you doing Madam??? and she says I am doing Vegetarian.. isn’t it funny… For people who know their culture very well… it is funny ….. but for people who enter into a foreign land with completely no idea about their culture, their language, it’s a culture shock for them!!!

        So, if you are one of them who wants  to experience the so called ‘culture shock’ , or are confident enough that you can  still adapt their ideas, beliefs, their deep rooted thoughts, in short their  culture… foreign land welcomes you!!

2)    Are you a foodieeeeee!!!! Do you like being adventurous!!! Do you love traveling!!!

 It’s rightly said that travelling gives you more practical knowledge than you can get in any of the books or magazines…

Going gaga over food always!!!  Do you want your tongue… taste all lip smaking varieties and finger liking delicious round the world delicacies.

Have you heard of the song around the world in eight dollars.. No… really… nahi suna hoga ,  bahut purana gaana hain… (It’s an old song. )

In the era of rising inflation this is the song which you will hear more often, “Mehengai Daayan Khaye Jaat Hain”

 So if don’t care about  inflation and can shell out few hundreds or thousands of pounds easily , loves  trying out different delicacies, traveling soothens your mind and you  can scare the lion in the jungle instead of getting scared of it.. J, (loves adventurous activities) I am sure the day you will take your step out from motherland you will have a real time experience of meeting new faces, species, getting to know them, gel with them, taste different delicacies of food and enjoying every bit and moment of your life as you will feel you have entered into a completely different world which has made you more of an independent person  and infused a sense of more confidence in you!!!

But yes!!!

Don’t forget motherland always waits for its children to come back again!!

 Hello Study Abroad Life!

life in study abroadnew world new life study abroadstudy abroadstudy abroad education

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