Abroad Calling!!!

India our mother land… we call it our Matrubhoomi. Place we are born and brought up.

According to Mark Twain the famous author “So far as I am able to judge, nothing has been left undone, either by man or nature, to make India the most extraordinary country that the sun visits on his rounds. Nothing seems to have been forgotten, nothing overlooked.” 

After reading the above sentence, have we ever thought why more and more Indians have an urge of going abroad, which is increasing day by day. Statistics also prove the same.

The reasons are simple and most of you must be knowing about it!!!!!

  • Study Abroad!!!! One of the most common and strongest reasons.

Study abroad adds value to your resume!!! (Imagine your resume containing sentence as Masters of Business Administration from Oxford University, London, UK) How does it feel!! !Don’t you feel elated and proud!!

Some other reasons might be…

  • Jobs (Earnings in Dollars and Pounds!!)
  • Permanently residing in a foreign land!!
  • Visiting foreign land to admire the scenic beauty.

Reasons might be any.. but the fact is even if you and I get a chance…. surely we would be also one of the hundreds and thousands of people in a queue who aspires to go abroad.

As I said already… Urge… Most of us have an urge to know about foreign people and foreign places, as we  have been reading about them  in books… watching in television, news… hearing or gossiping about their culture, their lifestyle, their economy, their development etc.. etc.. etc.. but never ever got the chance to have a hands on experience with them .. Right!!!

So, even if you have the tiniest urge to go abroad, want to change your  routine completely,  have fun with new people, experience a totally  different world which will bring about an improvement in terms of your language, your self- confidence, which surely can make you more responsible, mature,  make you identify your own abilities ,potentials, values and explore your inner core strength,  just prepare yourself now for going abroad and I am sure when you come back home, your persona as a whole must have changed completely and effectively!

 Hello Study Abroad Life!

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