Summarized spoken text
As we mentioned before, Summarize spoken text and Re-tell lecture are sister questions. So, we suggest you use the same strategy of note taking for both. In Summarize spoken text, a video clip or an audio track is played for you. You use the marker and the erasable noteboard booklet to take notes down. Basically, you would want to write down the main idea, names of people, cities, dates, numbers and any phrases or expressions that you pick up from the track. You can even write some ideas in your own language. After the recording is over, you will have 10 minutes (minus the audio play time) to write a 50-70 word summary. Remember to use grammatical structures that you can use confidently, and words that you are absolutely sure you can spell correctly.

1. You will hear a short report. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present. You should write 50-70 words.
You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the report.
” The colors of flowers correlate with the quality of their nectar, which influence insect choices. Insects such as bees prefer to inhabit in hotter flowers as they seek energy infusion while pollenating. Given the same quality and quantity of nectar, bumblebees will choose warm over cooler colors, so flowers evolve to warmer colors to attract bees. ”
2. You will hear a short report. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present. You should write 50-70 words.
You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the report.
3. You will hear a short report. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present. You should write 50-70 words.
You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the report.
” Marketing is the process and activity that transfers goods and services from the suppliers to the end user or customer. Marketing aims at creating a win-win situation for the company and the consumers. All of this is done as per a specific business model to ensure profits. Therefore, companies can generate more return capital. So marketing equals to increasing in sales. ”
4. You will hear a short report. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present. You should write 50-70 words.
You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the report.
” Socialism traces its roots back to 1880s, while communism started in 1840s. Both the movements were influenced by French revolution which pitted the political left against the political right. Right means aggressive and nationalistic while the left represents conservative elements more linked to the common man and his issues such as equality and justice. ”
5. You will hear a short report. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present. You should write 50-70 words.
You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the report.
” Consumers are very careful when buying delicate soft products. They want products which are not only soft, but which also last a long time. It is important for businesses to understand that softness does not mean lack of durability. This poses an engineering challenge – to make soft products tough and long lasting. “
6. You will hear a short report. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present. You should write 50-70 words.
You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the report.
” During the second world war, UK government was the first government in the world that raised the question of human rights among other countries. Later in 1958 it created more laws guarding freedom, conventional human rights and religious freedom. It set up a baseline and minimum standards for human rights. ”
7. You will hear a short report. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present. You should write 50-70 words.
You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the report.
” Epidemics are better prevented than stopped. United States uses the device under discussion, to prevent epidemic transmission. It is used as an antiviral drug. However, it can’t be easily used by developing countries because of lack of resources and lots of other big challenges, such as in the logistics and handling. ”
8. You will hear a short report. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present. You should write 50-70 words.
You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the report.
” We all want to learn science to deal with problems and make our world better. The foundation is mainly working on purification of water and improving human health. People from developed countries are lucky to drink bottled water, but water purification is a major global problem. Naontechnology can be used to find solutions. ”
9. You will hear a short report. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present. You should write 50-70 words.
You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the report.
” Dendron-chronology indicates the age of trees through rings, but it could be ambiguous. The width of rings illustrates the climate situation of rain and drought that affects tree growth. The sequence message of narrow and wide represents hidden information like Morse code. The information is even richer and more diagnosable for it provides more possibilities than dash and dot. ”
10. You will hear a short report. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present. You should write 50-70 words.
You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the report.
Allergies seem to be increasing these days especially in more hygienic societies where children are less exposed to harmful situations at an early age. They are a result of the body’s immune system reacting to something it believes is harmful and producing histamines to rid the body of this. Sufferers are advised to avoid the trigger for their allergy and, when this is impossible, are prescribed anti-histamines.
11. You will hear a short report. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present. You should write 50-70 words.
You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the report.
The speaker was discussing ageism. She talked about discrimination based on a person’s age. She mentioned rejecting a haircut or relationship because it was age inappropriate. She discussed how Hollywood has about 12% of named characters over the age of 60. She suggested that no-one is born ageist, and quipping about a senior moment didn’t explain why if she had a “junior moment” she never passed comment on it.
12. You will hear a short report. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present. You should write 50-70 words.
You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the report.
The speaker was discussing the three most important things that people carry. He mentioned that keys, money and a mobile phone are important for survival. He talked about how these relate to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: shelter (keys), food (money) and connectivity (phone). He suggested that three billion people use a phone and we can be connected across time and space.
13. You will hear a short report. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present. You should write 50-70 words.
You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the report.
The speaker was discussing crowdsourcing news reports of crisis. He mentioned that the first three hours can be unclear and overloaded. He talked about how we can create a crowdsourced filter. He mentioned that people can rate comments to better indicate the probability of true reports. He suggested that it is amazing that this innovation is coming out of Africa.
14. You will hear a short report. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present. You should write 50-70 words.
You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the report.
It is believed that the medicines we consume are undervalued. Parents may leave their medications lying around the house and children may unknowingly consume them. Putting medications in locked boxes is one technique to prevent accidents. Different medications have varying resistance and durations, which can be exceedingly dangerous if the wrong drug is taken. So, the course will largely improve drug misuse and considerably enhance our lives.
15. You will hear a short report. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present. You should write 50-70 words.
You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the report.
The speaker argues that although Western economies have expanded since the 1950’s, there has been no parallel growth in happiness. Surveys indicate that rich people generally say they are happier than poor people, but it appears that although individuals may become happier society as a whole does not. One possible answer is that people soon become accustomed to improvements and so do not appreciate them.
16. You will hear a short report. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present. You should write 50-70 words.
You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the report.
The speaker talks about human language, which is different with animals’. Animals only can repeat utterances without meaning, but human beings could say various new contents. However, the evolution of human language is slow and laborious according to the evidence from the early human’s brain fossil. Similarly, brain’s hemisphere is bigger than the right side, which can partly prove human’s strong language ability.
17. You will hear a short report. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present. You should write 50-70 words.
You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the report.
The amount of money drug companies spend on TV ads has doubled in recent years. A study raises questions about the message these ads promote. Researchers analyzed 38 ads aimed at people with conditions like hypertension, herpes, high cholesterol, depression, arthritis, and allergies. None of the ads mentioned lifestyle changes that could also help treat the condition. When the character is shown taking the drug, he magically regains complete control of his life. None of the ads, of course, mentioned lifestyle changes that could also help treat the condition. After all, it’s mass marketing.
18. You will hear a short report. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present. You should write 50-70 words.
You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the report.
The author referred to in the discussion has a particular way of bringing unexpected beauty and newness to everyday subjects and situations in his work. An example of that is his famous radio play about the people of a small town. The way he has written the play, he has transformed their everyday situations into something very special-funny, beautiful and moving.
19. You will hear a short report. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present. You should write 50-70 words.
You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the report.
Laughter is one of the greatest therapies in combating adversity, and whole communities and nations frequently rely on humor to get them through the bleakest time. Jokes about those who rule and sometimes those who tyrannize you are a form of folklore in societies. Humor can also be wonderfully subversive. They can protect self-respect and identity. In more totalitarian societies, laughter relieves the pressures and anxiety of political oppression.
20. You will hear a short report. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present. You should write 50-70 words.
You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the report.
The lecture is about black holes and escape velocity which is a very important concept related to black holes. Lecturer defines escape velocity as the speed with which something will have to go to escape the gravitational field of an object, such as Earth, escaping here means going out and not falling back on the surface.
21. You will hear a short report. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present. You should write 50-70 words.
You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the report.
Australia’s education funding model is so dysfunctional that simply pumping billions of extra dollars into the system will not reverse the widening class divide between our schools. Mid-range private school students are on track to receive approximately $1000 more federal and state government funding than comparable average government school students by 2020, based on nationwide funding trends from 2009 to 2014, according to a provocative new report by Centre for Policy Development.
22. You will hear a short report. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present. You should write 50-70 words.
You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the report.
I’d like to begin by thanking Dr. Kane for inviting me to be here today. Although I’m not a geologist, I have been collecting minerals for years. My collection is really diverse because I’ve traveled all over the world to find them. Today I’ve brought a few specimens for you to see. After I discuss each one, I’ll pass it around so that you can look at it more closely. As you know, feldspars are the most abundant minerals and are divided into a number of types. These first samples are orthoclases. Notice that they vary in color from white to pink to red. This glassy one is found in volcanic rock. In fact, I found it in New Mexico on a collecting trip. This next sample that I’ll pass around is a microcline mineral, also called amazonstone. You can identify it by its bright green color. It’s often used in jewelry and really is quite attractive. These final samples are all plagioclase feldspars. Many plagioclases are very rare, so I’m particularly proud of the variety in my collection. I’ve also brought a few slides of some larger mineral samples, and if you’ll turn out the light now, I’d like to show them to you.
23. You will hear a short report. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present. You should write 50-70 words.
You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the report.
24. You will hear a short report. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present. You should write 50-70 words.
You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the report.
It is difficult to proofread your own work (topic), but it helps if you think about the problems you have had before (point I). You have to remember to look for how the ideas now (point 2) and to check the paragraphing and also the references (point 3). It might help if you read your essay aloud, and you should do this after a break so you will see the errors more easily (POint 4).
25. You will hear a short report. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present. You should write 50-70 words.
You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the report.
Cave paintings started approximately 40,000 years ago during the upper Paleolithic Period. The pictures are mainly of animals such as bison, horses, aurochs, and deer. The colors were limited to yellow, brown, charcoal, red, hematite, and manganese oxide. Contrasted to the naturalistic animal paintings, the drawings of humans are more schematic and rare. The artists were believed to be respected elders and shamans.
26. You will hear a short report. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present. You should write 50-70 words.
You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the report.
The two main types of aid for developing countries are mentioned. One is long-term aid for countries with problems that money alone cannot fix (drought, poor agriculture), and the other is emergency aid, which includes the basic things needed immediately following a natural disaster. For long-term problems, it is more important to teach the skills needed to develop the economy, and to organize and run social services than to give cash aid.
27. You will hear a short report. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present. You should write 50-70 words.
You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the report.
Welcome to the largest retrospective exhibit this art museum has ever devoted to an architect. The architect chosen for this honor is Frank Lloyd Wright, probably the greatest United States architect of the twentieth century. Wright has a reputation of being arrogant and insensitive to his clients’ needs, but his work is based on a set of principles rather than a style. Because of his belief in unity of design and the elimination of unnecessary detail, he resisted his clients’ wishes to introduce what he called foreign objects to his carefully designed interiors. Frank Lloyd Wright always tried to achieve harmony of building and setting. The first drawing in the exhibit, of one of his “Prairie” houses, illustrates this integration of the house with the landscape of the American Midwest. You can see how he stresses the horizontal line with spreading roofs and strips of windows. Outside porches stretch into the gardens, making one harmonious whole. Because of this goal of harmony, you won’t see skyscrapers among his designs. Wright was criticized for his impractical houses with leaky flat roofs, but his houses also had great virtues. The design of the Prairie houses, for example, made them warm in winter and cool in summer. The drawings and photos in this exhibit will show the enormity of Frank Lloyd Wright’s contribution to modern architecture.
28. You will hear a short report. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present. You should write 50-70 words.
You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the report.
Before I tell you about the interesting discovery related to Tyrannosaurus rex, I need to review something we studied last semester, the difference between what are commonly called cold-blooded and warm-blooded animals. In warm-blooded animals, birds and mammals, for example, the body temperature normally stays within a narrow range, no matter what the outside temperature is. As a result, a warm-blooded animal is usually active in both cold and hot weather because its body temperature can adjust to the temperature of its environment. On the other hand, cold-blooded animals, such as most reptiles, amphibians, and insects, are unable to create enough heat internally to raise their temperature above the temperature of the environment. So, for example, the temperature of a cold-blooded animal falls when the environment is cool. I hope this distinction is clear. Now, moving on to Tyrannosaurus rex, you may know that dinosaurs, being reptiles, are generally believed to have been cold-blooded. Well, a recent research study found that the chemical composition of the bones of Tyrannosaurus rex was consistent with the bones of an animal that has a very narrow range of internal temperature, indicating that it was probably warm-blooded.
29. You will hear a short report. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present. You should write 50-70 words.
You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the report.
It is believed that the medicines we consume are undervalued. Parents may leave their medications lying around the house and children may unknowingly consume them. Putting medications in locked boxes is one technique to prevent accidents. Different medications hav varying resistance and durations, which can be exceedingly dangerous if the wrong drug is taken. So, the course will largely improve drug misuse and considerably enhance our lives.
30. You will hear a short report. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present. You should write 50-70 words.
You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the report.
The amount of money drug companies spend on TV ads has doubled in recent years. A study raises questions about the message these ads promote. Researchers analyzed 38 ads aimed at people with conditions like hypertension, herpes, high cholesterol, depression, arthritis, and allergies. None of the ads mentioned lifestyle changes that could also help treat the condition. When the character is shown taking the drug, he magically regains complete control of his life. None of the ads, of course, mentioned lifestyle changes that could also help treat the condition. After all, it’s mass marketing.