Overview of GMAT Test
GMAT test is a computer based test.
What does GMAT measure?
A GMAT test does not measure specifically any business skills, specific knowledge on any topic, practical skills, interpersonal skills and collaborative management style of the applicant.
Rather it is a test that measures applicant’s analytical skills, reasoning skills, quantative aptitude, verbal reasoning that have been developed during their education and work helping to bring applicants from all around industries and disciplines.
      GMAT consists of major 4 sections:
·        Analytical Writing Assessment (AWAs)
·        Integrated Reasoning,
·        Quantitative
·        Verbal
Test structure of GMAT
GMAT Test Section Number of Questions
Question Types Timing
Analytical Writing Assessment  1 topic Analysis of an Argument 30 minutes
Integrated Reasoning 12 questions
Multi-Source Reasoning, Graphics Interpretation, Two-Part Analysis, Table Analysis 30 minutes
Quantitative 37 questions
Data Sufficiency, Problem Solving 75 minutes
Verbal 41 questions
Reading Comprehension, Critical Reasoning, Sentence Correction 75 minutes
Total Time 3 hours, 30 minutes
Total allotted time is 3.5 hours to complete the four sections.