Indian Education Vs Abroad Education

study abroad or india

Today, many students in India dream of studying abroad. And with so many opportunities of loans and scholarships available today, it has become possible for them to pursue their dream of studying in a prestigious foreign university. Today we look at the factors that lure Indian students to these foreign lands, far away from their loved ones, in pursuit of their career and why it differs from the education in India.

Higher cost of education

In the last decade, the cost of education in India has soared drastically. People are forced to take loans so as to provide quality education to their children. This has resulted in unrest among the people. The scholarships provided by government based on religious tendencies, has added fuel to this fire. Meritorious students with all the qualifications are ignored because they do not belong to a specific group and this has resulted in great unrest. Hence, students are showing more interest in foreign universities as they are sure to be judged based on their talents.

Too much focus on theory

The Indian education focuses too much on theoretical concepts. This has lead to neglecting of practical concepts of the subjects. Hence, students have become more of a mimicking parrot and have lost their place in the international market. At present time, the competition in India is based on higher marks and not on better understanding of the subject.

Whereas in foreign countries, it is assured that the students understand the concepts through a balance exposure towards theory and practical aspects of the subjects. Hence, the students gain a better grasp of the subject.

Underdeveloped Research facilities

As too much attention is paid to theory, the research in India has been lagging behind.  There are next to none career opportunities in research in India. Hence, from school days, students are discouraged from choosing subjects pertaining to research. Instead they are persuaded to choose professional courses that will get them a high-paying job.

If we consider the foreign education system, we will notice that the students there are encouraged when it comes to research. Their curriculum is such that they are required to be a part of research. Also a career in research is highly respected and offers a better professional life.

Socail Pressure

Today, education in India has become a social issue. The higher the child scores, the better. It has turned in a competition between the parents to show off their child’s mark sheet.  This has put tremendous pressure on the children. What should have been a learning process for them has become a question of social prestige for their parents and schools alike.

Their western counterparts have thankfully not stepped in their footprints. They still associate education with the objective of learning.

Technologically equipped education

Education in India is still limited to textbooks and classrooms. In spite of the technological progress, Indian education system fails to use them in imparting education.

Unlike India, the schools in USA, UK and many other countries around the world have coupled classrooms with latest technologies. They make use of Skype to learn and associate with students from other schools across globe. They make use of virtual classrooms and thus, help students to understand the concepts with precision.

Thus, the main difference between the Indian education and abroad education is the infrastructure and quality. All efforts in these directions will result in improvement of the education system of India.

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