In every University or College there is status on which we can check academic records of students. It’s very essential to check the quality of students and His or Her scoring on regular basis. This is also applicable to students who are going aboard for studies. If your performance in college or/University is not good then you will be suspended from that particular University or college. This suspension can be permanent or temporary accordingly. On the similar lines admission on Probation does work. An applicant may be admitted on probation if s/he has an average for the last two years of 75/100 at AUB or its equivalent at other universities as determined by the department. A student admitted on probation has to complete nine credits of graduate-level courses during the first two semesters of graduate studies, has to pass all courses, and has to attain a minimum cumulative average of 80/100 to become a regular graduate student. If the student fails to meet any of these conditions, s/he will be dropped from the graduate program. And he/she needs to return to his country back. And he is not eligible for any mote attempts in that country for taking his further education.
The Admission on Probation can be calculated accordingly the universities. Students in good standing are placed on probation if their cumulative Roosevelt grade point average(GPA) falls below a 2.0 and/or they have accumulated 12-14 hours of unfinished course work. Students on probation have one term to either bring their cumulative Roosevelt grade point average back up to a 2.0 or higher; and/or reduce unfinished course work to 11 hours or less; or to achieve a semester grade point average of 2.2 or higher. Student must have to follow this rule while taking his/ her education in the universities abroad. Getting an offer letter nad Visa doesn’t mean everything. You have to prove yourself on regular basis.
What is Academic Suspension???
Students are placed on Academic Suspension for the following reasons:
- Students admitted on probation who have cumulative Roosevelt GPA less than 2.0 during their first semester
- Students placed or continued on probation who have a cumulative Roosevelt GPA less than 2.0 and a semester Roosevelt GPA below 2.2
- Students who have 15 or more semester hours of uncompleted course work. i.e., grades of F (failing) or I (incomplete)
- All you need to take care of above points about Admission on Probation and Academic Suspension. You should try at your level Best to avoid coming under Academic Suspension while studying abroad otherwise there are chances that it could spoil your Academic Career and Money as well!!!!!!