Europe is the second-smallest continent, it is heavily stuffed with many of the world’s best educational institutions. In the QS World University Rankings® 2023, a total of 369 European universities is recommended among the world’s best.
The UK blusters Europe’s highest number of internationally ranked universities with 84 entries, lined up by Germany (46) and France (31). However, it’s Switzerland that joins the UK in having a university ranked among the world’s top 10.
To help you in the wide selection of top universities in Europe, we’ve compiled a list of the top universities in Europe categorized by country.
Top universities in Austria
Austria, a landlocked country in central Europe, shares borders with eight other European nations, including Germany, to the north and Italy to the south. It has 7 top European universities currently added to the QS World University Rankings. Amongst these, the top universities in Austria are:
1. Australian National University (ANU)(30th in the world)
2. The University of Melbourne (33rd in the world )
3. The University of Sydney (41st in the world )
4. The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney) ( 45th in the world )
5. The University of Queensland( 50th in the world, )
Top universities in Belgium
Belgium, the land of fine chocolate and beer, is also home to some excellent educational establishments. It claims eight of the top universities in Europe to be internationally ranked, out of eight, two are placed within the top 300 worldwide. The top universities in Belgium are:
1. K U Leuven (joint 76st in the world )
2. Ghent University (joint 143rd in the world)
3. Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) (195rd in the world)
4.Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)(joint 210nd in the world)
5. Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) (joint 251th in the world)
Top universities in France
France boasts a very broad selection of top European universities, and an impressive presence in the international rankings, with the major part of its top 10 universities situated in the capital city of Paris. The top universities in France are:
1. Université PSL (26th in the world)
2. Institut Polytechnique de Paris (48th in the world)
3. Sorbonne University (60th in the world)
4. Université Paris-Saclay (69th in the world)
5. École Normale Supérieure de Lyon(111th in the world)
Top universities in Germany
Germany is one of the world’s most popular non-Anglophone destinations for international students, which is offering free tuition to undergraduate students. The top universities in Germany are:
1. Technical University of Munich(49th in the world)
2.Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München(59th in the world)
3. Universität Heidelberg (65th in the world)
4. Freie Universitaet Berlin(118th in the world)
5. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (131th in the world)
Top universities in Ireland
Ireland, a small country in western Europe, is home to eight world-ranking universities, of which half is in the capital city, Dublin. The top universities in Ireland are:
1. Trinity College Dublin (98th in the world)
2. University College Dublin (181st in the world)
3. university of Galway (joint 270th in the world)
4. University College Cork (joint 303rd in the world)
5. Dublin City University (joint 471st in the world)
Top universities in Italy
Italy, located in the southern peninsula of the continent, is the sixth most populous country in Europe, it is very well known for its weather, cuisine and beautiful settings. It boasts 30 internationally ranked universities. The top universities in Italy are:
1. Politecnico di Milano (139th in the world)
2. Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna (joint 167th in the world )
3. Sapienza University of Rome(171th in the world )
4. Università di Padova(243th in the world )
5. University of Milan(324th in the world )
Top universities in the Netherlands
This Dutch-speaking country towards the north of the continent blusters 13 globally ranked universities. The top universities in the Netherlands are:
1. University of Amsterdam(58th in the world )
2. Delft University of Technology (61st in the world )
3. Utrecht University (joint 112th in the world )
4. Wageningen University & Research (124th in the world )
5. Leiden University (joint 109th in the world, joint 39th in Europe)
Top universities in the Nordic countries
Europe’s Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden) offer 27 internationally ranked universities. Finland in the Nordic region demands the highest number of ranked institutions, in spite of being the most densely populated country in Europe, while Denmark offers the highest-ranked university in the group. The top universities in the Nordic countries are:
1. University of Copenhagen (joint 82nd in the world )
2. Technical University of Denmark (joint 104th in the world )
1. University of Helsinki (joint 106th in the world, joint 35th in Europe)
2. Aalto University (joint 116th in the world )
1. University of Oslo (joint 101st in the world )
2. University of Bergen (joint 207th in the world )
1. KTH Royal Institute of Technology (joint 89th in the world )
2. Lund University (joint 95th in the world )
Top universities in Russia
Russia, the largest country in the world, performed very well in the latest QS World University Rankings, with 24 universities and only 3 dropping down the ranking since the previous year. The top universities in Russia are:
1. Lomonosov Moscow State University (joint 75th in the world )
2. Bauman Moscow State Technical University(230st in the world )
3. Novosibirsk State University (joint 260th in the world )
4. Tomsk State University(joint 264rd in the world )
5. Moscow Institutes of physics and technology (MIPT/Moscow physics)
Top universities in Spain
Renowned for its buzzing cities and attractive Mediterranean coast, Spain is popular among tourists and students alike, and claims 23 among the top European universities with respect to the QS World University Rankings. The top universities in Spain are:
1. University of Barcelona (178th in the world )
2. Universitat Autonóma de Barcelona (joint 184th in the world )
3. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (215th in the world )
4. University Complutense, Madrid (UCM)(226rd in the world )
5. Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona)(233rd in the world )
Top universities in Switzerland
Switzerland, home to a large portion of the Alps mountain range, is the only country other than US or UK to claim a university in the world’s top 10. All but one of its 9 internationally ranked universities are in the global top 400. The top universities in Switzerland are:
1. ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) (9th in the world )
2. Ecolé Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) (16th in the world )
3. University of Zurich (UZH) (joint 83rd in the world )
4. University of Bern (joint 120th in the world )
5. University of Geneva (joint 125th in the world )
Top universities in the UK
The UK is the most popular destination to study in Europe, and second only to the US in the number of total universities included in the ranking. It present blusters 4 of the world’s top 10 universities, and 8 of the 10 top universities in Europe. The top universities in the UK are:
1. University of Cambridge (2nd in the world, first in Europe)
2. University of Oxford (4th in the world, second in Europe)
3. Imperial College London(6th in the world, fourth in Europe)
4. UCL (University College London) (8th in the world, third in Europe)
4. University of Edinburgh(joint 15rd in the world, joint seventh in Europe)
Top universities in Greece
1. National Technical University of Athens (422 in the world, jointly 180th in Europe)
2. University of Crete(591-600 in the world, jointly 217th in Europe)
Best of the rest…
The list above talks about the best-known places to study in Europe as an international student. Many other European countries are home to one or more institutions added in the QS World University Rankings. Here’s a quick round-up of the rest:
1. Belarus State University (joint 288th in the world, 149th in Europe)
2. Belarusian National Technical University (751-800 in the world, joint 305th in Europe)
1. Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski (561-570 in the world, jointly 286th in Europe)
1. University of Zagreb (801-1000 in the world, joint 263rd in Europe)
Czech Republic
1. Charles University (joint 288th in the world, joint 142nd in Europe)
2. University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (358 in the world )
1. University of Tartu (joint 294th in the world )
2. Tallinn University of Technology (701-750 in the world, jointly 255th in Europe)
1. University of Szeged (551-560 in the world, jointly 217th in Europe)
2. University of Debrecen (651-700 in the world )
1. Riga Technical University (new this year, ranked 751-800 in the world and joint 272nd in Europe)
2. Riga Stradins University (801-1000 in the world, jointly 286th in Europe)
1. Vilnius University (400-410 in the world )
2. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (701-750 in the world )
1. University of Warsaw (284 in the world, jointly 187th in Europe)
2. Jagiellonian University (293 in the world, jointly 201st in Europe)
1. University of Porto (joint 274rd in the world, jointly 146th in Europe)
2.University of Lisbon (joint 335th in the world, 134th in Europe)
1. Babes-Bolyai University (1001-1200 in the world, joint 386th in Europe)
2. University of Bucharest (1001-1200 in the world, joint 386th in Europe)
1. University of Belgrade (1001-1200 in the world,, joint 352nd in Europe)
1. Comenius University in Bratislava (651-700 in the world, joint 330th in Europe)
2. Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice(701-750 in the world, joint 331st in Europe)
1. University of Ljubljana (601-650 in the world, joint 258th in Europe)
2. University of Maribor (801-1000 in the world, joint 322nd in Europe)
1. V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (541-550th in the world, joint 218th in Europe)
2. National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” (651-700 in the world )
Read the complete table of the Universities as per the ranking for the years 2020 and 2023.
Sr No. | Ranking | University Name | Country | Points |
1 | 5 | University of Oxford | United Kingdom | 100.0 |
2 | 7 | University of Cambridge | United Kingdom | 100.0 |
3 | 8 | Imperial College London | United Kingdom | 98.4 |
4 | 6 | ETH Zurich – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology | Switzerland | 98.7 |
5 | 10 | UCL | United Kingdom | 99.4 |
6 | 14 | EPFL | Switzerland | 82.4 |
7 | 20 | The University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom | 98.0 |
8 | 31= | The Australian National University | Australia | 94.6 |
9 | 27= | The University of Manchester | United Kingdom | 95.2 |
10 | 31= | King’s College London | United Kingdom | 88.9 |
11 | 41 | The University of Melbourne | Australia | 98.9 |
12 | 40 | The University of Sydney | Australia | 96.8 |
13 | 44 | The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney) | Australia | 90.4 |
14 | 52 | Université PSL | France | 75.8 |
15 | 46 | The University of Queensland | Australia | 88.2 |
16 | Institut Polytechnique de Paris | France | 44.8 | |
17 | 49 | The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) | United Kingdom | 72.4 |
18 | 50 | Technical University of Munich | Germany | 84.5 |
19 | 61 | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | 83.1 |
20 | 57 | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands | 71.9 |
21 | 55 | Monash University | Australia | 88.9 |
22 | 62 | The University of Warwick | United Kingdom | 73.1 |
23 | 58 | University of Bristol | United Kingdom | 74.7 |
24 | 64 | Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg | Germany | 80.1 |
25 | 63 | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München | Germany | 92.8 |
26 | 84 | KU Leuven | Belgium | 84.4 |
27 | 69= | University of Zurich | Switzerland | 59.3 |
28 | 83 | Sorbonne University | France | 90.2 |
29 | 77= | University of Glasgow | United Kingdom | 74.4 |
30 | 90 | University of Southampton | United Kingdom | 51.5 |
31 | 74 | Lomonosov Moscow State University | Russia | 79.5 |
32 | 76 | University of Copenhagen | Denmark | 73.5 |
33 | 86 | Durham University | United Kingdom | 58.3 |
34 | 81 | The University of Auckland | New Zealand | 83.8 |
35 | Université Paris-Saclay | France | 55.5 | |
36 | 87 | University of Birmingham | United Kingdom | 65.5 |
37 | 96 | University of St Andrews | United Kingdom | 46.7 |
38 | 91 | University of Leeds | United Kingdom | 70.6 |
39 | 92 | The University of Western Australia | Australia | 58.5 |
40 | 93= | The University of Sheffield | United Kingdom | 60.4 |
41 | 103 | Technical University of Denmark | Denmark | 32.1 |
42 | 101= | Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin | Ireland | 68.2 |
43 | 113 | University of Oslo | Norway | 55.4 |
44 | 99 | University of Nottingham | United Kingdom | 59.1 |
45 | 104 | University of Helsinki | Finland | 67.2 |
46 | 106= | University of Geneva | Switzerland | 48.7 |
47 | 106= | The University of Adelaide | Australia | 53.3 |
48 | 121= | Utrecht University | Netherlands | 66.1 |
49 | 127 | Aalto University | Finland | 45.7 |
50 | 128= | Leiden University | Netherlands | 69.3 |
51 | 114 | Queen Mary University of London | United Kingdom | 50.7 |
52 | 114 | University of Bern | Switzerland | 30.4 |
53 | 115= | Wageningen University & Research | Netherlands | 42.8 |
54 | 120 | Eindhoven University of Technology | Netherlands | 29.9 |
55 | 130 | Freie Universitaet Berlin | Germany | 80.9 |
56 | 117 | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Germany | 90.3 |
57 | 128= | University of Groningen | Netherlands | 51.1 |
58 | 161 | École Normale Supérieure de Lyon | France | 32.8 |
59 | 135= | Lancaster University | United Kingdom | 41.2 |
60 | 133= | University of Technology Sydney | Australia | 44.4 |
61 | 152= | Newcastle University | United Kingdom | 45.8 |
62 | 131 | KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | Germany | 45.3 |
63 | 149 | University of Basel | Switzerland | 28.7 |
64 | 135= | Ghent University | Belgium | 54.5 |
65 | 164 | The University of Exeter | United Kingdom | 41.4 |
66 | 159 | Cardiff University | United Kingdom | 47.2 |
67 | 150= | University of York | United Kingdom | 43.2 |
68 | 147 | Aarhus University | Denmark | 56.0 |
69 | 148 | Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin) | Germany | 55.7 |
70 | 145 | RWTH Aachen University | Germany | 50.2 |
71 | 173= | University of Bath | United Kingdom | 34.8 |
72 | 183 | Universitat de Barcelona | Spain | 71.3 |
73 | 175= | Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg | Germany | 49.9 |
74 | 177= | University College Dublin | Ireland | 49.6 |
75 | 169= | University of Lausanne | Switzerland | 32.8 |
76 | 175= | Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen | Germany | 46.0 |
77 | 197= | Erasmus University Rotterdam | Netherlands | 35.6 |
78 | 189= | Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) | Belgium | 50.8 |
79 | 181= | University of Liverpool | United Kingdom | 42.7 |
80 | 197= | University of Twente | Netherlands | 21.0 |
81 | 196 | University of Wollongong | Australia | 30.4 |
82 | 217= | Curtin University | Australia | 31.2 |
83 | 173= | Technische Universität Dresden | Germany | 38.0 |
84 | 184 | University of Otago | New Zealand | 50.6 |
85 | 197= | The University of Newcastle, Australia (UON) | Australia | 30.8 |
86 | 194 | University of Bergen | Norway | 34.2 |
87 | 214= | Macquarie University | Australia | 33.2 |
88 | 205 | University of Reading | United Kingdom | 33.8 |
89 | 195 | University of Göttingen | Germany | 50.5 |
90 | 207 | University of Aberdeen | United Kingdom | 29.3 |
91 | 223= | RMIT University | Australia | 37.1 |
92 | 200= | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | Spain | 58.5 |
93 | 250= | Universite libre de Bruxelles | Belgium | 33.8 |
94 | 213 | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona | Spain | 60.8 |
95 | 236= | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | Netherlands | 41.0 |
96 | 217= | Queensland University of Technology (QUT) | Australia | 42.0 |
97 | 228= | Universität Hamburg | Germany | 50.8 |
98 | 209 | Queen’s University Belfast | United Kingdom | 30.1 |
99 | 214= | Radboud University | Netherlands | 30.3 |
100 | 200= | Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) | Belgium | 24.0 |
101 | 206 | Complutense University of Madrid | Spain | 67.8 |
102 | 240= | Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn | Germany | 51.1 |
103 | 246= | University of Sussex | United Kingdom | 26.2 |
104 | 226 | Loughborough University | United Kingdom | 31.3 |
105 | 234= | Maastricht University | Netherlands | 21.9 |
106 | 238= | University of Antwerp | Belgium | 23.1 |
107 | 242= | University of Leicester | United Kingdom | 23.4 |
108 | 223= | Victoria University of Wellington | New Zealand | 46.7 |
109 | 273= | USI – Università della Svizzera italiana | Switzerland | 5.2 |
110 | 225 | Saint Petersburg State University | Russia | 42.8 |
111 | 242= | Ecole des Ponts ParisTech | France | 8.6 |
112 | 228= | Novosibirsk State University | Russia | 28.9 |
113 | 287= | Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) | Spain | 30.8 |
114 | 238= | National University of Ireland Galway | Ireland | 26.3 |
115 | 270= | University of Canterbury | Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | New Zealand | 39.2 |
116 | 242= | Sciences Po | France | 20.2 |
117 | 275= | Université de Paris | France | 38.6 |
118 | 252= | University of Navarra | Spain | 28.9 |
119 | 267= | Technical University of Darmstadt | Germany | 20.1 |
120 | 301= | Heriot-Watt University | United Kingdom | 15.3 |
121 | 250= | Tomsk State University | Russia | 22.6 |
122 | 267= | University of Surrey | United Kingdom | 22.3 |
123 | 282= | Bauman Moscow State Technical University | Russia | 23.9 |
124 | 275= | Deakin University | Australia | 28.1 |
125 | 272 | Massey University | New Zealand | 29.9 |
126 | 303= | Griffith University | Australia | 27.8 |
127 | 281 | Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT / Moscow Phystech) | Russia | 17.8 |
128 | 287= | Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne | France | 62.8 |
129 | 317= | Belarusian State University | Belarus | 21.5 |
130 | 287= | University of Turku | Finland | 27.8 |
131 | 286 | University College Cork | Ireland | 27.6 |
132 | 300 | University of Strathclyde | United Kingdom | 26.6 |
133 | 308= | University of Tasmania | Australia | 17.8 |
134 | 298= | HSE University | Russia | 27.4 |
135 | 333= | University of East Anglia (UEA) | United Kingdom | 19.7 |
136 | 353= | University of Southern Denmark (SDU) | Denmark | 19.5 |
137 | 282= | University of Cologne | Germany | 37.8 |
138 | 342= | Université Grenoble Alpes | France | 44.4 |
139 | 327 | IE University | Spain | 7.3 |
140 | 326= | RUDN University | Russia | 17.0 |
141 | 314= | National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute) | Russia | 9.4 |
142 | 314= | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) | Spain | 33.1 |
143 | 372 | Swinburne University of Technology | Australia | 13.9 |
144 | 319 | University of Dundee | United Kingdom | 19.4 |
145 | 317= | Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg | Germany | 22.8 |
146 | 305= | Aalborg University | Denmark | 19.9 |
147 | 295= | University of South Australia | Australia | 23.1 |
148 | 350= | City, University of London | United Kingdom | 20.4 |
149 | 344= | Birkbeck, University of London | United Kingdom | 12.5 |
150 | 308= | Royal Holloway University of London | United Kingdom | 17.7 |
151 | 311= | Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main | Germany | 46.8 |
152 | 323= | Universität Jena | Germany | 19.7 |
153 | 370= | Kazan (Volga region) Federal University | Russia | 19.0 |
154 | 333= | Universität Stuttgart | Germany | 24.3 |
155 | 368= | Brunel University London | United Kingdom | 11.5 |
156 | 311= | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) | Spain | 30.9 |
157 | 331= | Ural Federal University – UrFU | Russia | 21.4 |
158 | 368= | Tilburg University | Netherlands | 15.4 |
159 | 333= | University of Jyväskylä | Finland | 16.6 |
160 | 398= | La Trobe University | Australia | 20.7 |
161 | 348= | MGIMO University | Russia | 13.3 |
162 | 360= | ITMO University | Russia | 12.4 |
163 | 344= | University Ulm | Germany | 8.1 |
164 | 360= | Norwegian University of Science And Technology | Norway | 32.9 |
165 | 326= | Universitat Politècnica de València | Spain | 25.5 |
166 | 387= | Lincoln University | New Zealand | 8.3 |
167 | 375= | University of Waikato | New Zealand | 19.9 |
168 | 408 | University of Oulu | Finland | 16.4 |
169 | 437= | Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg | Germany | 16.5 |
170 | 380= | University of Kent | United Kingdom | 20.0 |
171 | 346= | SOAS University of London | United Kingdom | 19.9 |
172 | 401= | Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University | Russia | 13.1 |
173 | 439= | Ruhr-Universität Bochum | Germany | 22.5 |
174 | 401= | National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University | Russia | 9.6 |
175 | 423= | Flinders University | Australia | 13.1 |
176 | 356 | Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster | Germany | 33.7 |
177 | 470= | Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT | Finland | 7.3 |
178 | 409= | Tampere University | Finland | 25.2 |
179 | 398= | Université de Strasbourg | France | 42.2 |
180 | 307 | Universität Mannheim | Germany | 17.2 |
181 | 462= | James Cook University | Australia | 15.1 |
182 | 403= | Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz | Germany | 21.8 |
183 | 383= | Oxford Brookes University | United Kingdom | 26.6 |
184 | 456= | University of Canberra | Australia | 14.0 |
185 | 411= | Essex, University of | United Kingdom | 17.5 |
186 | 474= | Swansea University | United Kingdom | 15.8 |
187 | 416= | University of Tromsø The Arctic University of Norway | Norway | 13.2 |
188 | 483= | Universität Leipzig | Germany | 25.3 |
189 | 451= | Universität des Saarlandes | Germany | 11.6 |
190 | 437= | Auckland University of Technology (AUT) | New Zealand | 20.3 |
191 | 414= | Bond University | Australia | 4.8 |
192 | 451= | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) | Spain | 30.2 |
193 | 428= | University of St.Gallen (HSG) | Switzerland | 9.2 |
194 | 493= | Far Eastern Federal University | Russia | 6.8 |
195 | 416= | Goldsmiths, University of London | United Kingdom | 18.4 |
196 | 470= | Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg | Germany | 14.7 |
197 | 456= | Hasselt University | Belgium | 4.5 |
198 | 485= | University of Stirling | United Kingdom | 11.6 |
199 | 451= | Université de Liège | Belgium | 19.0 |
200 | 511-520 | Aston University | United Kingdom | 12.5 |
201 | 428= | The National University of Science and Technology MISIS | Russia | 8.5 |
202 | 439= | Dublin City University | Ireland | 18.7 |
203 | 531-540 | Justus-Liebig-University Giessen | Germany | 12.0 |
204 | 501-510 | University of Granada | Spain | 40.0 |
205 | 474= | Western Sydney University | Australia | 17.7 |
206 | 501-510 | Christian-Albrechts-University zu Kiel | Germany | 19.2 |
207 | 511-520 | Aix-Marseille University | France | 36.6 |
208 | 443= | Universität Konstanz | Germany | 22.4 |
209 | 425 | University of Bordeaux | France | 32.4 |
210 | 511-520 | University of Limerick | Ireland | 17.2 |
211 | 499= | Universidad de Alcalá | Spain | 9.8 |
212 | 511-520 | Université de Montpellier | France | 20.2 |
213 | 521-530 | University of Bayreuth | Germany | 10.0 |
214 | 499= | University of Eastern Finland | Finland | 14.9 |
215 | 541-550 | Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (INSA) | France | 8.9 |
216 | 521-530 | National Research Saratov State University | Russia | 4.4 |
217 | 591-600 | Southern Federal University | Russia | 8.1 |
218 | 501-510 | Universidad de Zaragoza | Spain | 21.8 |
219 | 485= | Aberystwyth University | United Kingdom | 9.8 |
220 | 581-590 | Universidad de Sevilla | Spain | 35.2 |
221 | 551-560 | Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III | France | 20.4 |
222 | 501-510 | University of Szeged | Hungary | 17.7 |
223 | 571-580 | Altai State University | Russia | 5.9 |
224 | 551-560 | Technische Universität Braunschweig | Germany | 10.0 |
225 | 601-650 | Université de Fribourg | Switzerland | 10.8 |
226 | 541-550 | Universität Bremen | Germany | 20.2 |
227 | 591-600 | Universitat de Valencia | Spain | 30.1 |
228 | 571-580 | Murdoch University | Australia | 7.9 |
229 | 591-600 | Samara National Research University (Samara University) | Russia | 4.2 |
230 | 601-650 | Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” | Bulgaria | 14.0 |
231 | 601-650 | Universität Regensburg | Germany | 11.2 |
232 | 521-530 | University of Debrecen | Hungary | 17.4 |
233 | 571-580 | Abo Akademi University | Finland | 8.9 |
234 | 601-650 | Bangor University | United Kingdom | 8.6 |
235 | 591-600 | Central Queensland University (CQUniversity Australia) | Australia | 6.6 |
236 | 541-550 | Coventry University | United Kingdom | 9.8 |
237 | 581-590 | Kingston University, London | United Kingdom | 15.6 |
238 | 651-700 | Leibniz University Hannover | Germany | 21.1 |
239 | 651-700 | Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice | Slovakia | 4.6 |
240 | 651-700 | Universidad Pontificia Comillas | Spain | 8.6 |
241 | 601-650 | Universitat Ramon Llull | Spain | 11.3 |
242 | 651-700 | University of Hohenheim | Germany | 9.4 |
243 | 651-700 | University of Plymouth | United Kingdom | 9.4 |
244 | 541-550 | University Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas | France | 6.6 |
245 | 551-560 | Victoria University | Australia | 8.1 |
246 | 701-750 | Comenius University in Bratislava | Slovakia | 12.9 |
247 | 651-700 | Edith Cowan University | Australia | 8.4 |
248 | 601-650 | Eötvös Loránd University | Hungary | 24.0 |
249 | Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University | Russia | 5.3 | |
250 | 601-650 | Lobachevsky University | Russia | 8.8 |
251 | Sechenov University | Russia | 5.3 | |
252 | 601-650 | Ulster University | United Kingdom | 9.2 |
253 | 701-750 | Universität Rostock | Germany | 6.8 |
254 | 701-750 | Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 | France | 18.5 |
255 | 601-650 | University of Hull | United Kingdom | 7.7 |
256 | 651-700 | University of Mons | Belgium | 5.3 |
257 | 651-700 | University of Pecs | Hungary | 12.6 |
258 | 601-650 | University of Portsmouth | United Kingdom | 8.1 |
259 | 601-650 | University of Salamanca | Spain | 25.7 |
260 | 701-750 | Charles Darwin University | Australia | 5.3 |
261 | 701-750 | Middlesex University | United Kingdom | 5.4 |
262 | 651-700 | Northumbria University at Newcastle | United Kingdom | 10.2 |
263 | 651-700 | Philipps-Universität Marburg | Germany | 15.0 |
264 | 751-800 | Plekhanov Russian University of Economics | Russia | 8.8 |
265 | 701-750 | Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University ETU-LETI | Russia | 4.5 |
266 | Ufa State Aviation Technical University | Russia | 3.2 | |
267 | 701-750 | Universidade de Santiago de Compostela | Spain | 21.8 |
268 | 801-1000 | Universität Potsdam | Germany | 14.8 |
269 | 751-800 | Universitat Rovira i Virgili | Spain | 6.5 |
270 | 601-650 | Université Côte d\’Azur | France | 16.4 |
271 | 601-650 | University of Bradford | United Kingdom | 9.1 |
272 | 701-750 | University of Huddersfield | United Kingdom | 9.2 |
273 | 701-750 | University of Southern Queensland | Australia | 8.2 |
274 | 751-800 | University of the Basque Country | Spain | 17.5 |
275 | 651-700 | University of Westminster | United Kingdom | 10.1 |
276 | 801-1000 | Belarusian National Technical University (BNTU) | Belarus | 9.2 |
277 | 751-800 | Bournemouth University | United Kingdom | 5.3 |
278 | 701-750 | Keele University | United Kingdom | 6.2 |
279 | 701-750 | Maynooth University | Ireland | 10.1 |
280 | 751-800 | Southern Cross University | Australia | 3.8 |
281 | 751-800 | University Duesseldorf | Germany | 12.9 |
282 | 701-750 | University of Greenwich | United Kingdom | 4.5 |
283 | 801-1000 | Australian Catholic University | Australia | 7.5 |
284 | 801-1000 | Bielefeld University | Germany | 14.2 |
285 | 801-1000 | Budapest University of Technology and Economics | Hungary | 13.6 |
286 | 801-1000 | Charles Sturt University | Australia | 4.3 |
287 | 801-1000 | Corvinus University of Budapest | Hungary | 11.0 |
288 | CY Cergy Paris University | France | 3.2 | |
289 | 801-1000 | De Montfort University | United Kingdom | 5.1 |
290 | 801-1000 | Edinburgh Napier University | United Kingdom | 4.7 |
291 | Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation | Russia | 4.0 | |
292 | Kazan National Research Technological University | Russia | 3.1 | |
293 | 801-1000 | Liverpool John Moores University | United Kingdom | 10.2 |
294 | 801-1000 | London Metropolitan University | United Kingdom | 5.9 |
295 | 751-800 | London South Bank University | United Kingdom | 3.3 |
296 | 801-1000 | Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) | United Kingdom | 11.2 |
297 | Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology | Russia | 3.5 | |
298 | 751-800 | Nottingham Trent University | United Kingdom | 9.9 |
299 | 801-1000 | Novosibirsk State Technical University | Russia | 6.9 |
300 | 801-1000 | Perm State National Research University | Russia | 4.7 |
301 | 801-1000 | Queen Margaret University , Edinburgh | United Kingdom | 4.6 |
302 | 801-1000 | Robert Gordon University | United Kingdom | 3.8 |
303 | 801-1000 | Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration | Russia | 4.6 |
304 | 801-1000 | Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava | Slovakia | 9.1 |
305 | 801-1000 | South Ural State University (National Research University) | Russia | 7.8 |
306 | Széchenyi István University | Hungary | 5.9 | |
307 | 801-1000 | Szent Istvan University | Hungary | 5.2 |
308 | 801-1000 | Technical University of Kosice | Slovakia | 6.6 |
309 | 801-1000 | Technological University Dublin | Ireland | 10.9 |
310 | 801-1000 | TU Dortmund University | Germany | 13.3 |
311 | 801-1000 | Universidad de Oviedo | Spain | 11.6 |
312 | 801-1000 | Universidade da Coruña | Spain | 5.4 |
313 | 751-800 | Universität Duisburg-Essen | Germany | 11.5 |
314 | 751-800 | Université de Lille | France | 25.9 |
315 | 801-1000 | Université de Lorraine | France | 13.8 |
316 | 801-1000 | Université de Nantes | France | 11.0 |
317 | 801-1000 | Université de Rennes 1 | France | 16.0 |
318 | 801-1000 | Université Toulouse 1 Capitole | France | 14.3 |
319 | 801-1000 | University of Alicante | Spain | 13.0 |
320 | 801-1000 | University of Brighton | United Kingdom | 8.8 |
321 | 801-1000 | University of Central Lancashire | United Kingdom | 5.2 |
322 | 801-1000 | University of East London | United Kingdom | 4.2 |
323 | 801-1000 | University of Hertfordshire | United Kingdom | 4.1 |
324 | 801-1000 | University of Lincoln | United Kingdom | 5.9 |
325 | 801-1000 | University of Murcia | Spain | 11.7 |
326 | 801-1000 | University of New England Australia | Australia | 10.4 |
327 | 801-1000 | University of Salford | United Kingdom | 7.8 |
328 | 801-1000 | University of the West of England | United Kingdom | 9.3 |
329 | University of Tyumen | Russia | 3.6 | |
330 | University of Žilina | Slovakia | 4.4 | |
331 | 1001+ | Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics | Belarus | 6.2 |
332 | 801-1000 | Birmingham City University | United Kingdom | 5.0 |
333 | 1001+ | Canterbury Christ Church University | United Kingdom | 6.8 |
334 | 801-1000 | Glasgow Caledonian University | United Kingdom | 4.6 |
335 | Harper Adams University | United Kingdom | 3.9 | |
336 | Irkutsk State University | Russia | 3.5 | |
337 | 1001+ | Leeds Beckett University | United Kingdom | 4.6 |
338 | 801-1000 | Paul Valéry University Montpellier | France | 12.8 |
339 | 1001+ | Russian State University for the Humanities | Russia | 4.4 |
340 | 1001+ | Saint-Petersburg Mining University | Russia | 3.4 |
341 | 801-1000 | Sheffield Hallam University | United Kingdom | 7.1 |
342 | 1001+ | Siberian Federal University, SibFU | Russia | 7.3 |
343 | Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra | Slovakia | 3.4 | |
344 | The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia | Russia | 3.4 | |
345 | The National Research University “Belgorod State University” | Russia | 3.3 | |
346 | The University of Northampton | United Kingdom | 3.4 | |
347 | 1001+ | Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha | Spain | 8.4 |
348 | 1001+ | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos | Spain | 7.3 |
349 | 1001+ | Universidade de Vigo | Spain | 7.0 |
350 | 1001+ | Universität Siegen | Germany | 4.1 |
351 | 1001+ | Université de Poitiers | France | 9.0 |
352 | 1001+ | Université de Toulouse II-Le Mirail | France | 10.9 |
353 | 1001+ | Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 | France | 8.0 |
354 | 1001+ | Université Lumière Lyon 2 | France | 12.0 |
355 | 1001+ | Université Paris-Nanterre | France | 12.2 |
356 | 1001+ | University of Belgrade | Serbia | 16.7 |
357 | University of Derby | United Kingdom | 3.5 | |
358 | 801-1000 | University of Miskolc | Hungary | 5.8 |
359 | 1001+ | University of Niš | Serbia | 4.4 |
360 | 1001+ | University of Novi Sad | Serbia | 7.8 |
361 | University of the Sunshine Coast | Australia | 3.2 | |
362 | University of Wolverhampton | United Kingdom | 3.2 | |
363 | 1001+ | Voronezh State University | Russia | 6.2 |
364 | Don State Technical University | Russia | 3.8 | |
365 | MIREA – Russian Technological University | Russia | 2.7 | |
366 | Moscow City University | Russia | 2.6 | |
367 | Moscow Pedagogical State University | Russia | 5.1 | |
368 | National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI) | Russia | 3.7 | |
369 | Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy | Russia | 4.3 | |
370 | The University of Notre Dame, Australia | Australia | 4.1 | |
371 | 1001+ | Université de Caen Normandie | France | 7.8 |
372 | University of Kragujevac | Serbia | 3.7 |