PTE Read Aloud

The recording status box displays a countdown until the microphone opens. You have 30-40 seconds to prepare, depending on the length of the passage. You hear a short tone. After the tone, start speaking immediately. Do not start speaking before the microphone opens because your voice will not be recorded. You should speak clearly. There is no need to rush. Finish speaking before the progress bar reaches the end. The word “Recording” changes to “Completed”. You are only able to record your response once.

Sample Questions:


1] Domestication is an evolutionary, rather than a political, development. They were more likely to survive and  prosper in an alliance with humans than on their own. Humans provided the animals with food and protection, in exchange for which the animals provided the humans their milk and eggs and their flesh.


2] Akimbo, this must be one of the odder-looking words in the language and puzzles us in part because it doesn’t seem to have any What’s more, it is now virtually a fossil word, until recently almost invariably found in arms akimbo, a posture in which a person stands with hands on hips and elbows sharply bent outward, one that signals impatience, hostility or contempt.


3] The problem begins with the alphabet itself. Building a spelling system for English using letters that come from Latin – despite the two languages not sharing exactly the same set of sounds – is like building a playroom using an IKEA office Set


4] Modern buildings have to achieve certain performance requirements, at least to satisfy those of building codes, to provide a safe, healthy, and comfortable environment. However, these conditioned environments demand resources in energy and materials, which are both limited in supply, to build and operate


5] Three professors from Hamburg University’s medical faculty travelled last month to Ingeborg’s sitting room in East Berlin to test her on the work she carried out in pre-war Germany


Practice Session :  

    1. This finding is understandable in certain cases in spite of its high significance; that is because energy efficiency of building operation just represents a single aspect of sustainability
    2. The numbers on US student debt, after all, are truly The average 2015 US university graduate who took out loans to help pay for tuition enters the workforce with $35,000 in student debt.

    3. The insults and criticism were not unexpected. What was surprising was people’s enthusiasm about the competition. Thousands have participated in the discussion.

    4. Who do you think is the most glamorous person? A biotechnologist who led his company in international research, an ordinary welder who gained international fame through his work, or a photographer complimented widely for a series of photos?

    5. In the photo, the wild cat’s huge paws are clamped onto the side of the white safari Jeep in which Chappell was a passenger. Almost as tall as the Jeep on her hind legs, she appears to be forcing her muzzle into the back window.
    6. The Office of Personnel Management was the target of the attack, but data from nearly every government agency was stolen. U.S. investigators say they believe Chinese hackers were behind the breach.
    7. While the Republican field is packed with male candidates, so far, some of the sharpest Clinton critiques have come from women.
    8. Global warming is defined as an increase in the average temperature of the earth’s atmosphere. This trend began in the middle of the 20th century and is one of the major environmental concerns of scientists and governmental officials worldwide. The changes in temperature result mostly from the effect of increased concentrations of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere.
    9. As far as politics go, the responses are just as varied. Mitigation is common and calls for a reduction of emissions and less reliance on fossil fuels. Coal burning power plants are now replaced with hydraulic power plants and electrical cars are replacing some gasoline efficient cars. Many people, however, feel that this is not enough.
    10. The border itself between Mexico and United States is fraught with a mix of urban and desert terrain and spans over 1,900 miles. Both the uninhabited areas of the border and urban areas are where the most drug trafficking and illegal crossings take place. Crime is prevalent in urbancities like El Paso, Texas and San Diego, California.
    11. Free trade is an economic policy under which the government does not interfere with trade. No tariffs are applied to imports or exports, and people are allowed to trade goods and services as they please. Supply and demand dictates the prices for which goods and services sell and are the only factors that determine how resources are allocated in society.
    12. Unlike the United Kingdom, which has taken a relatively restrictive approach to the possession of arms, the United States has taken a more lenient approach. In the United States, three models have evolved regarding the interpretation of the meaning of the right to bear and keep arms as delineated in the Second Amendment.
    13. Trade unions originated in Europe during the industrial revolution. Because of the machinery that had become commonplace, skilled labour became less in demand so employers had nearly all of the bargaining power. Employers mistreated the workers and paid them too little for the work they did. Trade unions were organised that would help in the improvement of working conditions.
    14. Unions take the power out of the employer’s hands on many issues. There are examples of cases where workers were engaging in sexual or racial harassment, but were protected by their unions and allowed to keep their jobs. Poor workers and excellent workers often receive the same pay and raises, giving no reason for a person to work harder than necessary at their job.
    15. Another administration option is to bake marijuana at a relatively low temperature to kill any dangerous microorganisms and then allow that patient to eat it or drink it. Both of these methods of administration make smoking the drug unnecessary. However, criticism of medical marijuana has also been raised because as a natural plant, it cannot be patented and marketed by pharmaceutical companies and is unlikely to win widespread medical acceptance.
    16. A smoking ban is a public policy that includes criminal laws and health regulations that prohibit smoking in certain public places and workspaces. There are varying definitions of smoking employed in this legislation. The strictest definitions define smoking as being the inhalation of any tobacco substance while the loosest define smoking as possessing any lit tobacco
    17. Welfare has a special political meaning to the United States because it refers to how the poor receives financial aid. In comparison, welfare services are regarded as a universal right in other regions like Europe, where it is believed that all citizens should be able to obtain a minimal level of social support and well-being.
    18. The researchers think that this kind of coordination might have evolved because woodpeckers invest so much time and energy carving out their nest hole in a tree. If they were kicked out and had to start over, they might not get a chance to reproduce and fledge their offspring.
    19. In 1998. James Thompson pronounced that he had isolated human embryonic stem cells in the laboratory. At last, these powerful cells were within the grip of scientists to experiment with, understand, and develop into fixes for the things that go wrong.
    20. The student’s reading in his own subject slows down, and his comprehension becomes less secure. He expresses himself slowly and often fails to convey his ideas exactly. He is disappointed to find that under pressure he makes a lot of unnecessary mistakes in areas where he knows the correct language forms. His social relations are difficult as he cannot find the right phrase quickly enough to keep a conversation going, so his language often betrays him into dullness, coldness, or worst of all, rudeness.
    21. Pudritz| and Heller suggest that hunters of extraterrestrial life may want to listen particularly closely for signals originating at star systems within that narrow band of galactic sky. Advanced civilizations there may have already detected us using the transit method, they say, and may now be sending us a message. You might think of this paper, then, like a treasure map, for intelligent life.
    22. While the Republican field is packed with male candidates, so far, some of the sharpest Clinton critiques have come from women.
    23. The surface of the Moon is quite complicated to analyze. It can be divided into maria and the cratered regions. The maria seem to be darker than the other regions while observing from the earth. The far side of the Moon, first seen when a Soviet spacecraft photographed it in 1959, is covered almost completely with craters
    24. Clementson wanted to see if claims of question dodging actually held up, historically-not necessarily in the unique case of Trump. So Clementon analysed the transcripts of 14 presidential debates, from 1996 to 2012 . Overall, he found 51 accusations of question dodging – 26 by Dems, 25 by Republicans.
    25. They blocked millions of Americans from accessing the Internet one day this fall by remotely taking control of legions of web-connected gadgets, such as baby monitors and digital video recorders, to unleash floods of bogus traffic. They shut down the San Francisco municipal railway over Thanksgiving weekend after an IT administrator allegedly clicked one wrong link in an email.
    26. On Wednesday, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, released a guidebook for students and parents that outlines warning signs for mental illness, resources available to students, and information parents need to know about getting access to their children’s health information. Their goal is to spark conversations between students and families around mental health issues.
    27. Think globally, act locally. A small Australian town is now one step ahead of the rest of the world. The inhabitants of Bundanoon in New South Wales have banned plastic bottles from the town. We need to follow their example and eliminate plastic from our lives, take care of the earth and vote for people we think will do the same.
    28. Yellow is the most optimistic color, yet surprisingly, people lose their tempers most often in yellow rooms and babies cry more in them. The reason may be that yellow is the hardest color on the eye. On the other hand, it speeds metabolism and enhances concentration; think of yellow legal pads and post-it notes.
    29. Kindermann says he thinks the compound could be a win-win for the planet—and the animals. “You know the methane is kind of a waste product. And this energy, instead of losing it for the animal, it can be reused for the animal in terms of performance, and at the same time we are doing something for greenhouse gas emission and climate change.” The product’s not on the market yet—toxicology tests are ongoing.
    30. The Grand Canyon is 277 miles long, up to 18 miles wide and attains a depth of over a mile.
      While the specific geologic processes and timing that formed the Grand Canyon are the subject of debate by geologists,
      recent evidence suggests the Colorado River established its course through the canyon at least 17 million years ago.
    31. The terms summary and abstract are often used interchangeably resulting in some confusion. This problem arises because there are two distinct types of abstracts – descriptive and informative. The informative abstract is another name for a summary; the descriptive is not. The descriptive abstract is usually only two or three sentences in length, hence it is not a summary or very informative.
    32. Domestic cats that are largely indoor hunt less than outdoor cats because they don’t have access to mice. In the wild, feral kittens are taught how to kill prey by their mothers. Domestic cats often fail to learn this skill, which is why you will see them “playing” with anything they catch, or they may bring the mouse to you to kill.
    33. Internal combustion engine, enabling the driver to decide which source of power is appropriate for the travel requirements of given journey. Major US auto
      manufacturers are now developing feasible hybrid electric vehicles, and some are exploring fuel-cell technology for their electric cars.
    34. The process of researching and securing a dig site can take years. Digging is the field work of archaeology. On occasion, archaeologists might need to move earth with bulldozers and backhoes. Usually, however, archaeologists use tools such as brushes, hand shovels, and even toothbrushes to scrape away the earth around artifacts.
    35. The definition of a disaster varies by organization. Various entities have different “pain thresholds” that define when an incident becomes a disaster. A bank, for example, will have different criteria than a poison-control hotline. With this fact in mind, any organization should begin the process of implementing “first alert” and response teams after it has completed a business impact analysis.
    36. Research has found we pursue more rewards when we become ‘habituated’ to a higher standard of living and compare ourselves to various standards. What it
      takes to be happy depends on our prior expectations, but these expectations can change over time.
    37. Born in London to music-hall parents, Charlie Spencer Chaplin and his brother Sydney were placed in an orphanage at a very early age. Becoming a vaudeville performer, he joined Fred Arno’s company in 1906. He made his film debut in Making a Living (1914) and introduced the famous seedy and soft-hearted gentleman-tramp routine, which became his hallmark. Numerous films for various studios brought him world fame, all based on his mastery of pathos and slapstick acrobatics.
    38. As technology keeps growing, political and economic leaders have utilized cinema in changing and shaping people’s outlooks either for their own benefit or for the benefit of the people. Quality translations are also readily available and extremely affordable for everyone these days, which makes it easy for filmmakers to reach their target audiences from all corners of the world in their mother tongue.
    39. Programs, such as delicate wash or color wash, are one of the features of washing machines, particularly fully-automatic washing machines, which gives you the choice when it comes to how you want to wash your clothes. If you’re washing with a certain fabric, then programs help you find the optimal washing conditions for your laundry needs from selecting the right wash temperature to setting up your washing timing.
    40. When someone commits a criminal act, we always hope the punishment will match the offense. But when it comes to one of the cruelest crimes, animal fighting, things rarely work out that way. Dog-fighting victims are tortured and killed for profit and “sport”, yet their criminal abusers often receive a minimal sentence for causing a lifetime of pain.
    41. Until now, Mars has been generally considered a geologically dead planet. An international team of researchers led by ETH Zurich now reports that seismic signals indicate volcanism still plays an active role in shaping the Martian surface.
    42. A team has developed Helicopter: an autonomous drone that uses a live antenna from a moth to navigate toward smells. Helicopter can also sense and avoid obstacles as it travels through the air.
    43. The noise restrictions are based on measurements on animals in captivity exposed to noise levels that induce a temporary threshold shift (TTS) in hearing. The TTS onset threshold is the lowest noise exposure capable of inducing a small temporary reduction of hearing sensitivity, also known as auditory fatigue, with full recovery shortly after exposure.
    44. In the spirit of comparative immunology, Baker and her colleagues looked at how another mammal-the black flying fox, a type of bat-handles infections. They sequenced its immunity genes, and observed the immune response in normal bat cells. And they found that, unlike us-the bats always have interferons on patrol. Meaning the proteins do not wait to be activated by invaders.
    45. During the Early Modern period, the universities of Europe would see a tremendous amount of growth, productivity, and innovative research. At the end of the Middle Ages, about 400 years after the first European university was founded, there were twenty-nine universities spread throughout Europe.
    46. The current law, which enables employers to fire new staff within the first 90 days without giving a reason, and without facing legal action for unfair dismissal, was introduced in 2009. Under the new law, the 90-day trial will remain as it is for businesses with fewer than 20 employees. Larger businesses will still be able to use the 90-day trial as a probationary period, but with greater protections for employees.
    47. The world’s fifth-largest continent: Antarctica is almost entirely covered by ice 2000 meters thick. The area sustains varied wildlife including seals, whales, and
      penguins. The Antarctic treaty signed in 1959 and enforced since 1961 provides for international governance of Antarctica.
    48. Behavioral and social sciences research helps predict, prevent, and manage illness – in individuals and in whole populations. This research also helps people change their behaviors, understand treatments, and learn how to stick with them. Society’s role is significant, too: access to health care affects decision- making and behavior.
    49. Climate change is intensifying and is putting the future of the entire coffee sector at risk. Roughly half of the land used to grow coffee will decrease and will no longer be suitable for coffee production. With effects from climate change rising at an alarming pace, higher temperatures are significantly impacting coffee cultivation at lower elevations.
    50. Movies are an integral part of us; they mirror what we believe and how we coexist as people. It is easier to see our concerns, attitudes, flaws and strengths in films than it is to decipher them from our daily interactions. When our prevalent beliefs and ideologies are challenged in films, we are sometimes able to interrogate ourselves and embrace change.
    51. The threat from infectious pathogens is greater today than ever. The outbreak or even resurgence of infectious diseases has shown how these types of diseases could in fact undermine a state’s control of what happens within its territory. Yet, it is unclear whether growing recognition of the severity of the threat of infectious diseases has led to adequate policy responses and definitive action by states.
    52. A marketing plan is comprehensive document or blueprint that outlines a business advertising and marketing efforts for the coming year. It describes business activities involved in accomplished specific marketing objectives within a set time frame. A marketing plan also includes a description of the current marketing position of a business.
    53. Categorization is the brain’s tool to organize nearly everything we encounter in our daily lives. Grouping information into categories simplifies our complex world and helps us to react quickly and effectively to new experiences. Researchers identified neurons encoding learned categories and thereby demonstrated how abstract information is represented at the neuronal level.
    54. When a male African savanna elephant folds his ears while simultaneously waving them, he’s ready for a fight. When a female folds her ears and accompanies the action with an ear flap, that means she’s also issuing a serious threat. But when elephants come together and fold their ears, the animals are expressing a warm greeting.
    55. As introverts are thinking, they reach back into long-term memory to locate information. An introvert will often compare old and new experiences when making a decision, which slows the processing down but leads to carefully thought-out decisions. This means that introverts have an active dialogue with themselves and usually walk around with many thoughts in their minds.
    56. City planners predict that as more people move into urban areas, traffic jams will get worse. That’s why sustainability experts propose a new way to analyze traffic congestion. Using more precise measures to describe the shape of cities and considering other socioeconomic factors, the model, which was applied to nearly 100 American cities, could lead to a better understanding of the link between congestion and land use.
    57. Historically what has been used to estimate bats has been photographic estimates, visual estimates, mark-recapture estimates, and those have been highly prone to bias. “Newer technology, like thermal imaging cameras is accurate, but expensive. So at a time of epic bat mortality due to, for example, the fungal white-nose syndrome that’s wiping out bats in Canada and the U.S.”
    58. Historically, the low level of political autonomy of the cities in China is partly a result of the early development of the state bureaucracy. The bureaucrats played a major role in the growth of urbanization, but were also able to control its subsequent development, and they never completely gave up this control.
    59. Smartphones have become an everyday essential for millions of us we rely on them for everything from updating our social media profiles to banking. Taking out a smartphone contract that bundles together your calls, data, and texts with the cost of the handset can help spread the cost – but can also mean you’ll pay more over the long run.
    60. Consultants are generally brought in on the important decisions that are vital to the future of the company, to make sure the every angle is considered. They can devote themselves entirely to the question at hand, while executives are normally busy with the actual running of the company. Consultants also offer deep expertise in a particular industry or subject, such as market positioning or restructuring.
    61. Some people object that in order for the eye to modify and still remain a useful instrument to its owner, many changes would have had to take place simultaneously. However, it is not necessary to suppose this if the modifications were extremely slight and gradual.
    62. Psychology is the study of cognitions, emotions, and behavior. Psychologists are involved in a variety of tasks. Many spend their careers designing and performing research to understand how people behave in specific situations, how and why we think the way we do, and how emotions develop and what impact they have on our interactions with others.
    63. People might think that they’re anxious about math because they’re bad at it, but it’s often the other way around. They’re doing poorly in math because they’re anxious about it. Some psychologists think that’s because math anxiety decreases a cognitive resource called working memory. That’s the short-term memory system that helps you organize the information you need to complete a task.
    64. Tissues are grouped together in the body to form organs. These include the brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, and liver. Each body organ has a specific shape and is made up of different types of tissue that work together. For example, the heart consists mainly of a specialized type of muscle tissue, which contracts rhythmically to provide the heart’s pumping action.
    65. When you take a deep whiff of your morning coffee, the smell of those fresh-roasted beans darts into parts of the brain responsible for emotional and memory processing, but our other senses don’t work in the same way. That’s why smell can trigger a happy memory more quickly than touching the hot coffee mug or tasting that first sip.
    66. Investigations like this one have been plodding along for 40 years, and some studies – like one following the deadly Kobe quake in 1995- have found similar correlations. But study author Alasdair Skeleton, a professor of geochemistry at Stockholm University, says the unpredictable study subject makes it tough to get funding because you can in no way guarantee a result. So I get three years of money, but if there’s no earthquake, there’s no result.
    67. If countries can specialize in certain goods they can benefit from economies of scale and lower average cost. This is especially true in the industry with high fixed costs or that require a high level of investment. The benefits of the economy of scale will ultimately lead to lower prices for consumers and greater efficiency for exporting firms.
    68. A common way of permitting others to use an intellectual property right is to give express permission for it. This can be done in return for financial remuneration. In such cases, the holder of an intellectual property right is often referred to as granting a license to use what the holder otherwise has exclusive rights to, subject to certain conditions.
    69. Academic authors could do a better job of helping journalists, but often they have presented their work for fellow experts, without signposts for lay readers. And, just as often, reporters demand a certainty about cancer that scientists cannot give. Because it is impossible to prove a negative, prudent doctors and researchers can never say for certain that something does not cause cancer.
    70. Online speech has become such an influential way of experiencing politics today – not just participating in democratic processes like elections – but also the way we lead our daily democratic life through digital communication. If these sorts of irreverent and vitriolic exchanges are so prominent online, then we need to see how we can bring nuance to understanding them.
    71. With climate change, plants of the future will consume more water than in the present day, leading to less water available for people living in North America and Eurasia, according to a new study. The research suggests a drier future despite anticipated precipitation increases for places like the United States and Europe, populous regions already facing water stresses.
    72. Scientists have recommended actions the government of Madagascar’s recently elected president, Andy Carolina should take to turn around the precipitous decline of biodiversity and help put Madagascar on a trajectory towards sustainable growth. Madagascar’s protected areas, some of the most important for blodiversity in the world, have suffered terribly in recent years from illegal mining, logging, and collection of threatened species for the pet trade.
    73. Applicants who have attended international institutions must submit transcripts or certified attestations of study, with certified English translations. Once translated, the original transcript and the certified translations are to be sent to the Graduate School admission office. College seniors should submit current transcripts, followed by a final official transcript showing the award of the baccalaureate degree prior to matriculation, as is required and mentioned above.
    74. When we put toast in the toaster or add marshmallows to the top of our sweet potatoes for a baked holiday dish we expect them to turn brown and to develop a sweet, caramelized flavor. Although we expect it to happen, do you know why certain foods take on these new colors and flavors as they are toasted?
    75. Charles Darwin published his paper “On the Origin of Species in 1859. It is one of the most well-known pieces of scientific literature. In the paper, Darwin proposes the theory of natural selection. He states that for any generation of any species, there will always be a struggle for survival. Individuals who are better suited to the environment are “fitter”, and therefore have a much higher chance of surviving and reproducing.
    76. Injury or disease that afflicts a relatively small number of brain cells causes a chain reaction that stops activity across a vast network of neural circuits, according to new research. The study may help to explain why people can suffer from temporary, but severe loss of cognitive function in cases of traumatic brain injury or disease.
    77. Giving pocket money to children as young as four or five years helps them start learning about the value of money and money management. When children get pocket money, they have to make choices about spending or saving. Pocket money can also help children learn about consequences, including the consequences of losing money or spending it unwisely. Letting your children make a few mistakes is part of the learning process.
    78. Every culture is riddled with unwritten rules, such as ones on punctuality. They are the invisible scaffold that frames the behavior of individuals so that the collective can function in a frictionless and productive way. But the rigor of these rules and the exactitude with which they are enforced varies dramatically. Some nations tolerate singing in an elevator, swearing during an interview or entering a bank barefoot, for example, while others frown upon such behaviors.
    79. The natural environment can be hazardous, and, with increased travel and leisure, people today are more likely than ever to be exposed to potentially life- threatening conditions. Although the human body can adjust to some extent, it cannot cope with poisons or prolonged exposure to extremes of environment.
    80. Scientists have improved a promising battery technology, creating a single-crystal, nickel-rich cathode that is hardier and more efficient than before. It’s one step toward improved lithium-ion batteries that are common in electric vehicles today. Increasing nickel content in the cathode is on the drawing board of lithium-ion battery makers largely because of its relatively low cost, wide availability and low toxicity compared to other key battery materials, such as cobalt.
    81. One of the major factors influencing future home design will be the probable change in climate, with hotter summers, colder winters, and the possibility of floods. Consequently, houses will be built with better insulation and will also need ways of keeping cool in hot weather, whether that’s air conditioning or more shading of windows.
    82. China’s war on particulate air pollution is causing more severe ozone pollution. According to the new research, there was so much particulate matter in the smog around Chinese cities that it helped to quell ozone production by acting as a sponge that collected chemical radicals.
    83. Trade unions originated in Europe during the industrial revolution. Because of the machinery that had become commonplace, skilled labor became less in demand, so employers had nearly all the bargaining power. Employers mistreated the workers and paid them too little for the work they did. Trade unions were organized that would help in the improvement of working condition.
    84. Some pain patients may become hooked. Or their meds may find their way to friends or relatives who take them recreationally. Or a prescription opioid user may transition to heroin. Heroin is just another opioid drug, so the brain doesn’t distinguish whether it comes from a pharmacy or from a street drug dealer.
    85. In recent years there have been one or two significant happenings that have kept alive the hope that the deep sea may conceal strange links with the past. In December 1938, off the southeast tip of Africa, an amazing fish was caught alive – a fish that was supposed to have been dead for at least 30 million year.
    86. Children will lack the work skills they need in the future because they are not spending enough time playing, a Lego executive has warned. John Goodwin, head of Lego’s charitable arm the Lego Foundation, says less time in the classroom and more time playing is the solution. The foundation has a 25% stake in the Danish toy market, giving it a vested interest in encouraging play.
    87. We’ve outfitted it with the space lab built by our European partners and used it before the era of the space station to do scientific research. We used it as part of our partnership with the Russians, which is still continuing, first as part of the Mir space station, where we actually prolonged the useful life of Mir by several years through logistical supply visits with the shuttle. And now, of course, we’re using it to build the new International Space Station, which is a huge international partnership.
    88. Australians do speak English. However, for some tourists and travelers, it can be difficult to understand the slang. Also, the links between Australian and American English were seen to be very tenuous. At least some colloquialisms in Australian English do not exist in other types of English.
    89. Tidal energy, also known as tidal power, is a renewable source of energy and a form of hydropower used to generate electricity from the energy of the tides Though not currently widely utilized, due to high costs and limited availability, it can be called the energy resource of the future given the current rate of depletion of energy resources.
    90. Where there are effects, there are often side effects. The car is a boon to mobility, but can lead to obesity, deaths and pollution. Burning fossil fuel may keep economies going but wreck the climate in the long run. Similarly, there are side effects to information technology in education setting – from childcare to the classroom to the lecture hall and beyond.
    91. Investigators also compared those microbes with those living in 52 other soil samples taken from all around the planet. The park had organisms that also exist in deserts, frozen tundra, forests, rainforests and prairies. Antarctica was the only area that had microbes that did not overlap with those found in Central Park. Only a small percentage of the park’s microbes were found to be already listed in databases.
    92. Britain, then, was slower to create and develop a police force than the rest of Europe: France had one long before – indeed, the word police is taken from the French. This fact was not unimportant, as the very idea of a police force was seen as foreign – that is, French- and particularly undesirable, and was generally regarded as a form of oppression.
    93. Tasmania is a large and relatively sparsely populated island off the south coast of Australia. The island is of particular interest to natural scientists, who go there to research the unique wildlife. Tasmania has, for example, twelve species of bird that are not found anywhere else in the world.
    94. It isn’t rare for private equity houses to hire grads fresh out of business schools, but 9 times out of 10, the students who nab these jobs are the ones who had private equity experience before even starting their MBA program.
    95. The scientists say this is the first documented instance of nectar that attracts a particular animal assistant being produced outside a nectar. In fact, the observed nectar bleeding might actually be an early system that evolved to include the nectarines found in other plants today.
    96. Although introvert and extrovert personality types differ from one another on various grounds, the major difference between the two is their source of rejuvenation. While for extroverts, this may mean interaction or excursions with friends and family, the same may mean reading a book or listening to music for introverts.
    97. Interdisciplinary refers to a method that merges traditional educational concepts in order to arrive at new approaches. It is an increasingly important concept within both academic research and the private sector. More than just pasting together different subjects, interdisciplinary work is the process of developing an integration of methods that are traditionally thought of as separate fields.
    98. The numbers on US studerit debt, after all, are truly staggering. The average 2015 US university graduate who took out loans to help pay for tuition enters the workforce with $35,000 in student debt. In the US, total student debt exceeds $1.15 trillion-dwarfing, for instance, the nation’s credit card debt.
    99. Every metric ton of carbon dioxide humans emit comes at a cost not only in terms of the financial toll of the damage wrought by floods, heat waves and droughts but also the price in human lives. Substantially curtailing emissions today could prevent tens of millions of premature deaths over the course of this century.
    100. Early in the 19th century, Wordsworth opposed the coming of the steam train to the Lake District, saying it would destroy its natural character. Meanwhile, Blake denounced the “dark satanic mills” of the Industrial Revolution. The conservation of the natural environment, however, did not become a major theme in politics until quite recently.

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