Notification: Students Stop plagiarizing!

Plagiarize, the biggest problem we see now a days in colleges. Copying notes, projects, assignments, practicals, home work. All these activities are common during a college life. According to the survey 90% student’s just use the way of copying content and sharing notes with friends.

What is Plagiarism?

Notification: Students Stop plagiarizing!Plagiarism is the process of copying or stealing notes of others and claiming it as your original work.

Plagiarism can be done in various ways. Like coping original content, copying original work, copying of ideas through info-graphics and sharing with others without mentioning the source you have taken it from. Here are some practices conclude as Plagiarism.

  • Copying someone’s work and claiming to be yours.
  • Copying work and showing as your own.
  • Copying work without crediting the source.
  • Copying work derived from an existing source.

Below info-graphics will tell you about plagiarizing  of work and what are the adverse affects of  Plagiarism.

Source of Above Infographics

This Info Graphics is taken from UIC HealthInformatics Course. You can download the Pdf Version of this Info-Graphic from  here.

Plagiarizing in College


About plagiarizing in Collegeplagiarizingplagiarizing Solution

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