Recently there is updation of New TOEFL Exam dates article published on Times of India. Read More about the News.
BANGALORE: New test dates for the TOEFL iBTtest are August 10, 16 and 31 and September 7, 13 and 27 in some cities in India.
Since the August 10 test date is very close to the seven-day deadline (that would normally require a late fee), ETS has decided to waive that late fee, for the August 10 test date only, if a candidate registers by phone through the India call center at 91-124-4147700.
For more information about the latest TOEFL Dates and recent article published on TOEFL exam you can read the original source of this post. this blog is the unique source for all your study abroad Need, get updated information about TOEFL exams and all other study abroad related exam updates.