1. What do you mean?
2. What does your father do?
3. What’s wrong with you?
4. What has he decided?
5. Who do you think will be chosen?
6. Whom do you think I saw yesterday?
7. Who cleans your house?
8. How do you know his address?
9. How many boys ran in the race?
10. How did he work?
11. Which is your notebook?
12. Who answered the question?
13. When did you return from Bombay?
14. When will you be able to repay the loan?
15. When are you going to start learning English?
16. Where do you live?
17. Where did she spend her summer vacation?
18. Why should we take exercise?
19. Why didn’t you get up early?
20. Why Do people read the newspaper?
21. What’s troubling you?
9 . निम्नलिखित अंग्रेज़ी वाक्यों का हिन्दी में अनुवाद कीजिए, फिर उसे नीचे छपे हिन्दी अनुवाद से मिलाइए:
(I)The shop is closed, isn’t it? (2) we are late, aren’t we? (3) You did come, didn’t you? (4) You won’t come tomorrow, will you? (5) We won’t go there, will we? (6) If you hadn’t told her, she wouldn’t have known. (7) I’m not late today. (8) They played well, but you didn’t (9) They won’t reach in time, but we will. (10) My mother won’t attend the wedding, but my father will. (11) I must go, but you need not. (12) You must not write in red ink. (13) He is wrong, isn’t he? (14) I was with you, wasn’t I? (15) You know him well, don’t you? (16) We have done the work, haven’t we? (17) You have learnt a lot, haven’t you?
(1) दुकान बंद है, है न? (2) हम लेट हैं, हैं न? (3) तुम आए थे, है न? (4) तुम कल नहीं आओगे, है न? (5) हम वहां नहीं जाएंगे, है न? (6) यदि तुमने उसे बताया न होता, तो वह न जानती। (7) मैं आज लेट नहीं हूं। (8) वे अच्छी तरह खेले, पर तुम नहीं ? (9) वे समय पर नहीं पहुंचेंगे, पर हम पहुंच जाएंगे। (10) मेरी मां शादी पर नहीं जाएंगीं, पर मेरे पिताजी जाएंगे। (11) मुझे अवश्य जाना चाहिए, पर तुम्हारे जाने की आवश्यकता नहीं है । (12) तुम्हें लाल स्याही से नहीं लिखना चाहिए। (13) वह गलत है, है न? (14) मैं तुम्हारे साथ था, है न? (15) तुम उसे अच्छी तरह से जानते हो न ? (16) हमने काम कर लिया है न? (17) तुमने बहुत कुछ सीख लिया है न?
निर्देश: अब आपने अंग्रेज़ी के कई नए वाक्य सीख लिये हैं, उन्हें मित्रों के साथ बोलने का अभ्यास कीजिए।
10.नीचे अभ्यास के लिए प्रश्न और उनके उत्तर दिये गये हैं। आप अपने साथी से कहिए कि वह आपसे प्रश्न करे और आप उत्तर दें। फिर हमारे उत्तर से मिलाएं:
प्रश्न (Questions)
1. What’s her dog’s name?
उत्तर (Answers):It’s Juno.
2. What do they want now?
उत्तर (Answers) : They want more money.
3. Whom do you wish to see? Mr.
उत्तर (Answers) : B. N. Kohli.
4. Who owns this car?
उत्तर (Answers): My cousin does.
5. What do you think?
उत्तर (Answers):I think that she will come soon.
6. What did you say?
उत्तर (Answers): I said that I would help her.
7. Who is coming today?
उत्तर (Answers): My uncle.
8. How do you earn so much money?
उत्तर (Answers) : I work day and night.
9. How can a man make many friends?
उत्तर (Answers) : By being a good friend himself.
10. Which book do you want now?
उत्तर (Answers) : The Bhagvad Gita.
11. What has happened to him?
उत्तर (Answers) : He walked into a lamp-post and hurt himself.
12. What is your suit made of?
उत्तर (Answers): Woollen cloth.
13. When do you plan to visit your auntie?
उत्तर (Answers): On Monday.
14. When will you be able to see me?
उत्तर (Answers): In a day or two.
15. Where did you sleep last night?
उत्तर (Answers) : At my uncle’s home.
16. Where did she invest the money?
उत्तर (Answers): In book trade.
17. Why must you work hard?
उत्तर (Answers): To succeed.
18. Why did you lend him your cycle?
उत्तर (Answers): Because he had to go to the market.
19. Why did you vote for Dr. Mishra?
उत्तर (Answers): Because he is very competent.
20. Whose telephone number is this?
उत्तर (Answers): Mr. Gupta’s.
21. Who’s it?
उत्तर (Answers): It’s me.
22. How are you?
उत्तर (Answers): Fine.And you?
23. Does Rama know how to prepare tea?
उत्तर (Answers): No, she doesn’t
24. Shall we be late tomorrow?
उत्तर (Answers): No, I don’t think so.
25. What is the date tomorrow?
उत्तर (Answers): 20th February.
उपर्युक्त वाक्यों का हिन्दी में अनुवाद कीजिए ।
11 . निम्नलिखित वाक्यों का हिन्दी में अनुवाद कीजिए। आपकी सुविधा के लिए वाक्यों का हिन्दी अनुवाद आगे नीचे छपा है।
(1) I want three hundred rupees on loan. (2) He is known to the Prime Minister. (3) No, not at all. He is a bookworm. (4) No sir, the postman hasn’t come yet. (5) Yes, he is weak but he is good in English. (6) No, it is slow by five minutes. ( 7 ) Raju, I don’t have any appetite. (8) No, this is no thoroughfare. (9) Yes, It is snowing too. (10) Yes, but it gains ten minutes every day. (11) No, I’m not thirsty. (12) I have nothing else to say. (13) No, he had a headache (14) It takes me half an hour. (15) She has gone to her school. (16) I have been working here for the last five years. (17) Don’t give up. (18) No. He is an author.
(1) मुझे तीन सौ रुपये उधार चाहिए (2) उसे प्रधानमंत्री जानते हैं। (3) नहीं, बिलकुल नहीं, वह किताबी कीड़ा है। (4) जी नहीं, डाकिया अभी नहीं आया है। (5) जी हां, वह कमज़ोर है, पर अंग्रेज़ी में अच्छा है। (6) नहीं, यह पांच मिनट पीछे है। (7) राजू, मुझे भूख नहीं है (8) नहीं, यह आम रास्ता नहीं है (9) हां, बर्फ भी पड़ रही है (10) हां, लेकिन रोज़ यह 10 मिनट आगे हो जाती है (11) नहीं, मुझे प्यास नहीं है । (12) मुझे और कुछ नहीं कहना है (13) नहीं,उसे सरदर्द था (14) मुझे आधा घंटा लगता है (15) वह अपने स्कूल गई है। (16) मैं यहां पिछले पांच साल से काम कर रहा हूँ। (17) हार मत मानो । (18) नहीं वह एक लेखक है।
12. प्रश्न 11 के उत्तर वाक्यों के लिए उपयुक्त प्रश्न बनाइए। आपकी सुविधा के लिए अधिकांश उत्तरों के सम्भव प्रश्न नीचे दिये गये हैं। यह ज़रूरी नहीं है कि आपका प्रश्न हमारे प्रश्न से हूबहू मिले, परन्तु यह ज़रूरी है कि आपके प्रश्न का भावार्थ हमारे प्रश्न के भावार्थ के समान ही हो ।
(1) What do you want? (2) Who knows him? (3) Isn’t Mahesh fond of games? (4) Is there any letter for me? (5) Is he weak in Hindi? (6) Does your watch give the correct time? (7) Will you have some milk? ( 8 ) Can we pass through this way? (9) Is it raining? (10) Is your timepiece working properly? (11) Are you thirsty? (12) What do you want to say next, Gopal? (13) Did he have a fever? (14) How much time does it take you to reach school? (15) Where is your sister? (16) How long have you been working here? (17) What should I do? (18) Is your father a businessman? अभ्यास तालिकाएं तालिका- 5 : What, That, This, It के साथ a, an का प्रयोग। That और This में खत्म होने वाले प्रश्नवाची वाक्यों के उत्तरों में it का प्रयोग होता है। Vowels की sound वाले शब्दों के साथ an और शेष शब्दों में a का प्रयोग होता है।