41 से 45 दिन
16 या इससे अधिक very good; 12 या इससे अधिक fair कुल अंक 20
I. नीचे दिये वाक्यों मिलते-जुलते वाक्य आपने पीछे सीखे हैं। इनमें कोई-न-कोई छोटी- मोटी अशुद्धि है। उसे ठीक करके अपनी भाषा ज्ञान की परीक्षा लीजिए और टेढ़े टाइप वाले ( italics ) अशुद्ध शब्दों का नीचे दिये गये शुद्ध शब्दों से मिलान करके जांचिए ।
1. The milk has become sour.
2. Why didn’t you wake me on ?
3. You should not go back from your words.
4. Sonia is taller of a two girls.
5. Wait the bit.
6. I saw the woman whom the boss said was away.
7. This rice is on inferior quality.
8. I am short for fifty paise.
9. This chair is quite cheap at sixty rupees.
10. Do not buy at credit.
11. Does your shoe pinches you?
12. Show me a shoe with an narrow toe.
13. As we labour, so shall we be reward.
14. I am so tired to attend the class.
15. The question is so easy.
16. He is week in Hindi.
17. She has been absent for Wednesday.
18. Should you pass, your parents will be happy.
19. I have been in this college since two years.
20. He is junior than me by one year.
Test No. 1.- : 1. turned, 2. up, 3. on, 4. the, 5. a, 6. who, 7. of, 8. by, 9. for, 10. on, 11. pinch, 12. a, 13. rewarded, 14. too, 15. very, 16. weak, 17. since, 18. if, 19. for, 20. to.