1. the official guide to Pte academic
This is a study resource prepared by the official PTE Pearson test body and it covers all the four sections end-to-end. It highlights the complete guidelines for the PTE test. Thus, helping you understand the PTE exam inside out. For preparation, it consists of well-structured test papers as well as written mock exams. Also, the scoring key, and format of scoring are provided. A CD of 200 plus practice test exam papers and an answer key for every test paper is provided along with the book, to further enhance your preparation.
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PTE Academic Practice Test Plus Volumes 1 and 2
Volumes 1 and 2 both have practice tests, of which it is recommended to attempt at least three prior to giving the final examination. Analyzing weaknesses and trends from each mock test will provide you the necessary intelligence to correct the mistakes and achieve that desired overall score.
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Wiley’s PTE Advantage for The Academic Module (WIND)
This one is a standard guidebook formatted similarly to the Official Guide to PTE Academic. It comes along with an exhaustive repository of tips, strategies, examples, practice exercises, answers, and explanations. This can be used as a supplementary resource along with the Official Guide
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 PTE Academic 79 Plus
This book has been written by Pearson and is written with the aim of helping test-takers to maximize their PTE score. It is recommended to use this guide as a final revision toolkit before cracking the PTE exam. In addition, if you are someone who has scored well in the mock test and doesn’t have much time before the test, then this resource would be an effective PTE study material.
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PTE Academic Official Vocabulary 2020-2021
Similar to the books such as Word Power Made Easy, this book is intended to help enhance the vocabulary for the PTE exam. This is recommended as a PTE study material only if you are someone who isn’t well versed with the language and isn’t much of a reader. So, if you are looking to enhance your PTE vocabulary, you can start going through the words in small lots, noting down the new ones and mapping it to its usage.
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