TOEFL Integrated Speaking Practice Test

In this speaking practice test, you will be able to demonstrate your ability to speak about a variety of topics. You will answer 4 questions by speaking into a microphone. Answer each of the questions as completely as possible.

In question 1, you will speak about familiar topics. Your response will be scored on your ability to speak clearly and coherently about the topics.

In questions 2 and 3 you will first read a short text. The text will go away and you will then listen to a talk on the same topic. You will then be asked a question about what you have read and heard. You will need to combine appropriate information from the test and the talk to provide a complete answer to the question. Your response will be scored on your ability to speak clearly and coherently and on your ability to accurately convey information about what you have read and heard.

In question 4, you will listen to part of a lecture. You will then be asked a question about what you have heard. Your response will be scored on your ability to speak clearly and coherently and on your ability to accurately convey information about what you heard.

In questions 2 through 4, you may take notes while you read and while you listen to the conversations and lectures. You may use your notes to help prepare your response.

Listen carefully to the directions for each question. The directions will not be written on the screen. For each question, you will be given a short time to prepare your responses (15 to 30 seconds, depending on the question.) A clock will show how much preparation time is remaining. When the preparation time is up, you will be told to begin your response. A clock will show how much response time is remaining. A message will appear on the screen when the response time has ended.

Integrated Speaking Practice Test

TOEFL Speaking Question 1

Starting next Monday, the children-tutoring center is going to be moved to building NE10 from building SE10. It has been experiencing a decline in enrolment and there is too much-unused space, so it is being moved to a smaller building. NE10 is located in the southeast corner of the campus. All currently enrolled students can get additional information from the school library.

Read the transcript.

Question: The woman expresses her opinion about the announcement. State her opinion and explain the reasons that she gives for holding that opinion.

TOEFL Speaking Question 2

The Chemistry Department is planning to award scholarships to students who have received an average grade of 90% or above. We have found there to be a serious need for well-educated chemistry students and the current pool of chemists is highly lacking. By awarding these scholarships, it will allow future chemists to get a better handle on their tuition costs as well as encourage students to study harder in class. After the recent audit, we have found there to be plenty of funds for this department and we feel this is the best place to use them. Considering this school spends most of its funds on the Sports Department, we want to get students more interested in chemistry and we feel this is the best place to start.

Read the transcript.

Question: The woman expresses her opinion about the announcement. State her opinion and explain the reasons that she gives for holding that opinion.

TOEFL Speaking Question 3

Over the last few months, the school received many complaints about the lack of dining areas in the library. We have decided to build a new coffee shop in the library’s bottom floor, where students, faculties, and visitors will be able to relax and dine. With a full service of coffee and dining areas, the new coffee shop will be opened from Monday to Saturday, 9am to 6pm, with aims of meeting the dining needs of students, as well as faculties.
Read the transcript.

Question: The woman expresses her opinion about the announcement. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.

TOEFL Speaking Question 4

A new parking lot is expected to be completed in time for the next winter semester, starting January 2011, located on Crest Field. Crest Field is close to the University’s residence halls. The parking lot will support parking for athletic events and entertainment venues, as well as parking for students traveling to and from class. The Crest field, which was previously used as the campus’s sports field, has been deserted ever since the new sports complex center was built.
Read the transcript.

Question: The man expresses his opinion about the announcement. State his opinion and explain the reasons that he gives for holding that opinion.

TOEFL Speaking Question 5

As of October 1, 2017, there will be changes to all large tables in the library. The school has decided to purchase a new set of small privacy desks in place of the large desks. The new privacy desks will come with partitions, which can provide more privacy. We want to help with the overcrowding and believe this is the best solution. In addition, we want to help students study more efficiently. The new arrangement is expected to offer more seats for students. The changes to the library will be completed on October 3, 2017. Before the completion date, the library will be off-limits to all faculty and students.

Read the transcript.

Question: The man expresses his opinion about the anouncement. State his opinion and explain the reasons that he gives for holding that opinion.

TOEFL Speaking Question 6

The coffee house by building NE12 is being closed down on August 15, 2017. We are replacing it with a new faculty room. Students will not be permitted into the faculty room. The coffee house is not earning enough money to stay in business. We have had complaints from students that it is too dim-lighted, so they cannot study properly. The construction will start immediately upon the closing date and is estimated to finish by October 1, 2017. During that time, please plan an alternate route if you need to walk around that area, as it will be closed off to the public.

Read the transcript.

Question: The man expresses his opinion about the announcement. State his opinion and explain the reasons that he gives for holding that opinion.

TOEFL Speaking Question 7

Due to the recent rise in the usage of copy papers, limits and restrictions are being placed on copy amounts. All students wishing to print over 10 papers now have to pay another 10 cents. This policy is intended to discourage students’ behaviours of printing excessive or unnecessary papers. The price for copying paper remains the same.

Read the transcript.

Question: The man expresses his opinion about the announcement. State his opinion and explain the reasons that he gives for holding that opinion.

TOEFL Speaking Question 8

Responding to the university’s green initiative campaign, the library is going to cut down the electricity consumption by implementing the following procedures. First, the lighting equipment will be upgraded to energy-efficient lighting. The work to replace the lighting equipment will start on September 12, 2017. Second, starting September 15, the current temperature is going to be set 5 degrees lower after 4 pm on weekend and weekdays.

Read the transcript.

Question: The man expresses his opinion about the announcement. State his opinion and explain the reasons that he gives for holding that opinion.

TOEFL Speaking Question 9

There is not enough housing for the large number of freshman university students. As an answer to this problem, we can take the lounges and study areas located in the main campus dorms and turn them into “triples”, rooms to house 3 students. This idea will be an answer to the shortage of available rooms. These converted rooms will have the same features as the other dorm rooms. This includes furniture like desks and bookshelves. And since these spaces are large areas, they will be big enough and comfortable for the students.

Read the transcript.

Question: The woman expresses her opinion about the proposal in the student’s letter. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for that opinion. You have 60 seconds.

TOEFL Speaking Question 10

According to an e-mail announcement sent to the school’s energy community this fall, the electricity consumption from the library has risen by 20 percent. The school has decided to make an effort to reduce the library’s overall electricity consumption. Starting next Monday, the school is shutting off the heater after 2 pm and reducing the overall temperature by 5 degrees.

Read the transcript.

Question: The woman expresses her opinion about the announcement. State her opinion and explain the reasons that she gives for holding that opinion.

TOEFL Speaking Question 11

The peak-end rule describes a theory that humans judge past experiences based upon a single high moment and the end of that event rather than judging by a sum of the event in its entirety. Whether that peak moment is good or bad, coupled with their feelings at the end of the event, determine their overall perception of an experience being pleasant or unpleasant.

Read the transcript.

Question: Explain Peak-End rule and how the example used by the professor illustrates the concept.

TOEFL Speaking Question 12

Paradox of choice refers to the idea that humans deal with greater anxiety today because of the vast number of choices they face. When a person is given more choices, they have heightened expectations that can also result in disappointment when their desires aren’t satisfied. This need to satisfy their desires by making the right choice creates apprehension.

Read the transcript.

Question:Using the main points and examples describe paradox of choice.

TOEFL Speaking Question 13

The campus fitness center will permanently close at the end of this semester. This decision was made by the university administration in coordination with representatives of the student’s association. Unfortunately, the building currently housing the center is very old and the university can no longer afford the cost of maintaining it or providing heat and air conditioning as required. Furthermore, the popularity of the center has declined since the university formed partnerships with several private fitness centers in the city. These partnerships mean that all full and part time students can access five privately owned gyms across the city at no cost.

Question: The man expresses his opinion of the university’s plan. State his opinion and the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.

TOEFL Speaking Question 14

Evolution is the process in which, over time, animals develop the characteristics required to survive in their natural environment. One form of this is convergent evolution, which is when animals living in completely separate geographic areas end up with many identical features. This occurs when the habitats of two creatures resemble each other in some way. Because they live in similar habitats, the animals end up needing similar specialties in order to survive and reproduce. In certain cases the animals are so alike that they may end up being mistaken for each other, while in other cases they only share a few features.

Question: Using the examples from the lecture, explain the concept of convergent evolution. (30 seconds to prepare, 60 seconds to speak)

TOEFL Speaking Question 15

Starting next semester, students must attend the mandatory Student Volunteer Program in order to graduate. Students must commit to one 3-hour shift per month for the entire duration of the volunteer program session. Only three substituted absences during the volunteer program session are allowed. There are volunteer opportunities available to fit with your schedule. Please refer to our school website for further information.

Question:The man and woman express their opinion about the announcement. State both their opinions and explain the reasons that they give for holding that opinion.

TOEFL Speaking Question 16

Starting Monday, October 5, the school is implementing a 30-minute mandatory computer course. All students, except students in the computer programs, are required to take this course if they want to graduate. On Monday, September 29, there is a mandatory assembly where all students can learn and register for the course. If you miss the assembly, go to room 320 in building NE11 for instructions.

Question:The woman expresses her opinion about the announcement. state her opinion and explain the reasons that she gives for holding that opinion.

TOEFL Speaking Question 17

All computer labs’ part-timers will need to attend a fundamental computer course. In addition, all candidates applying for the part-time computer lab position are required to pass the fundamental computer course to be eligible for the position. The computer lab engineers have been falling behind in their work, because of the increasing computer problems. We need all employees to be able to help the engineers solve these problems. The course begins on October 10 at 4 pm in building SW4 room 100. For further details, visit the school’s website.

Question:The man expresses his opinion about the announcement. State his opinion and explain the reasons that he gives for holding that opinion.

TOEFL Speaking Question 18

The university is building a new gymnasium by building SE15, starting August 5. The gymnasium will include a state-of-the-art workout room, racquetball courts, a dance and martial arts studio, and saunas for men and women. Architectural drawings of the new gymnasium are on display in the lobby of the library building. The new upscale gym will attract more people to our school, particularly topnotch students and the local residents. The gym will be under construction for the next 6 months and so parking in that area will be limited, therefore, you should plan your transportation accordingly.

Question:The woman expresses her opinion about the announcement. State her opinion and explain the reasons that she gives for holding that opinion.

TOEFL Speaking Question 19

The school is reducing the sculpture class size by half because there is a shortage on budgeting for the required equipment. The reduction is taking place next semester, so we are accepting students based on grades from highest to lowest. In addition, the reduction in class size will allow each student more time with the professor. We hope this change will produce better sculpture students in the future. For further details, please see Mr. Artman in room 345 in the Art building.

Question:The woman expresses her opinion about the announcement. State her opinion and explain the reasons that she gives for holding that opinion.

TOEFL Speaking Question 20

State University is starting a new policy that requires all freshmen to live on campus. State University believes that living on campus will help students study together. In addition, they believe by requiring first-year students to live on campus, it will help with their over-crowded parking lots. The freshmen residence policy will begin next year.

Question:The man expresses his opinion about the announcement. State his opinion and explain the reasons that he gives for holding that opinion.

TOEFL Speaking Question 21

The old auditorium is getting an upgrade with some new video equipment. The College believes the students will enjoy going to the auditorium more if we create a better movie experience for them. The equipment will be delivered on October 10th. Please feel free to come by and enjoy the movies.

Question:The man expresses his opinion about the announcement. State his opinion and explain the reasons that he gives for holding that opinion.

TOEFL Speaking Question 22

New mandatory study seminar for all first-year students begins Nov 15, 2017. The seminar’s schedule is every Friday at 8 am and continues for the entire semester. This seminar is optional for all other students. Please bring all study material for all your classes. During each seminar, a representative will organize everyone into small study groups. All non-first-year students must organize their own study groups; however, after organizing all first-year students, we can assist you in finding a study group.

Question:The man expresses his opinion about the announcement. State his opinion and explain the reasons that he gives for holding that opinion.

TOEFL Speaking Question 23

Starting next term, our school will begin a new tutoring system, where all first-year students will be assigned a senior tutor. The main goal for the tutor is to help their student to understand what it takes to be successful at school. This is mandatory for all freshmen, so we are looking for motivated senior students to sign up. On January 15th, there will be an assembly for all senior students interested in becoming first-year student tutors.

Question: The woman expresses her opinion about the announcement. State her opinion and explain the reasons that she gives for holding that opinion.

TOEFL Speaking Question 24

The current University faculty has come to the conclusion that we are in need of more space for the library department. The current library area has not changed since the construction of the University and therefore doesn’t allow for the needs of the current or future student population. The school’s faculty has decided that they will use the current study area for the location of the library extension and the decision is final unless students or current faculty can come up with an alternative location. After a review of the current budget, we have found there to be ample funds for the renovation and will better the school by allowing current students to have more options in the library and it will bring more students to the school by offering a larger library.

Question: The man expresses his opinion about the announcement. State his opinion and explain the reasons that he gives for holding that opinion.

TOEFL Speaking Question 25

An establishing shot is used by film directors to briefly show the setting of a scene and give the viewer a larger context. The purpose of an establishing shot may be to give background information or provide a setting to the viewer. The context of the establishing shot will allow the viewer some unique knowledge about the characters or their circumstances.

Question: Explain Establishing shots and how the example used by the professor illustrates the concept.

TOEFL Speaking Question 26

The physics professor has created a new assignment. Each student is to select a single chapter that they need more study time on and submit the notes they have written. At the end of the semester, the notes will be returned to the students for their personal review. This project was created so that students could benefit from peer-reviewed notes allowing them not only the chance to explain the chapters to fellow students but also giving them a student’s perspective on the other chapters not chosen as well. This assignment was created so that every student has a chance to understand every chapter a little better by way of peer perception, therefore, allowing for a better and more thorough understanding of the text.

Question: The woman expresses her opinion about the announcement. State her opinion and explain the reasons that she gives for holding that opinion.

TOEFL Speaking Question 27

It has been brought to our attention that the current bus routes are not adequate in serving the needs of all of our students and faculty. The board has received many complaints and that is why, after much deliberation, we have decided to extend bus routes to previously underserved areas as well as having the buses run the routes multiple times each day. Considering the lack of parking space on campus as well as the price burden on students from the rise in gas prices, we feel as though this is the most effective remedy. From now until further notice, the bus will run its same routes an additional three more times a day and we will create a map to show the new bus routes as well.

Question: The man expresses his opinion about the announcement. State his opinion and explain the reasons that he gives for holding that opinion.

TOEFL Speaking Question 28

It has come to our attention that there is a need for reform within our student’s dorm rooms. We have decided to ban all video game consoles in all dorm rooms. The main reason for this action is due to the fact that students are no longer communicating with each other but are playing video games instead. The other reason we have made this decision is based on the fact that we have received too many complaints from other students about the noise coming from students’ rooms relating to video games. In order to appease these reasons, we are going to establish this guideline for all current and future residents of the school’s dorm rooms. There will be no favor or leniency on this matter, all video games are to be removed within a week of receiving this notice.

Question: The man expresses his opinion about the announcement. State his opinion and explain the reasons that he gives for holding that opinion.

TOEFL Speaking Question 29

The University will create a three-day weekend during the fall semester, before midterms. The reason we feel this is needed is so that students can relax before this major event as well as the fact that students need more time to study. The break will give students much more time to review the material covered in the midterm tests, helping students obtain better grades on the tests as well as an overall grade. Another reason this is being implemented is so that students can relax before such a big event. Midterm grades often account for ¼ of a student’s total grade and up to half of their overall semester grade, which is very intimidating. This break has shown improved midterm scores at other universities and we feel that we owe it to our students to give them the best chance at succeeding, however, it’s shown most effective.

Question: The man expresses his opinions about the announcement. State his opinion and explain the reasons that he gives for holding that opinion.

TOEFL Speaking Question 30

The campus clean-up day will occur on Monday, March 4th. Students are encouraged to spruce up the area around them to clear away the clutter. Trash pickers, gloves, and garbage bags are provided by Facilities Management and will be provided to organized groups who wish to participate. Everyone is encouraged to get involved in Campus Clean Up. The event will be open to all students, staff, and faculty at Western, and is a great way to show appreciation for the University’s beautiful campus. Although this is not mandatory, we feel that it is an excellent way for students and faculty to help keep their campus looking great. We would rather use our funds for academic advancement and not be burdened by the price of a hired cleaning staff, so come out and enjoy the weather and take pride in making your school beautiful.

Question: The man expresses his opinion about the announcement. State his opinion and explain the reasons that he gives for holding that opinion.

TOEFL Speaking Question 31

The officials of the university made an announcement today. They would give 10 million dollars as an investment in the University’s radio station, WZY-2. This money will help the station to extend its programming content and broadcasting area. This means that the station’s recognition in leading radio programming will now be able to add folk music and jazz to its present innovative programming of rock and roll. Furthermore, three adjoining countries in our state will be able to listen to the broadcast besides broadcasting for the university audience because of the new powerful transmitters that will rebroadcast the WXY-2 signal.

Question: The man expresses his opinion about the radio station’s plans for expansion. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for that opinion.

TOEFL Speaking Question 32

The university has decided to discontinue the shuttle service it provides students. University authorities believe not enough students use the service. Running costs are also very high. The current shuttle route includes the campus and neighboring suburbs. The university wants to use the saving on the shuttle service to build a central underground parking lot to alleviate the parking shortage that students experience.

Question: Explain how the man feels about the university’s plan to do away with the free shuttle service. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.

TOEFL Speaking Question 33

The concept of altruism refers to situations in which someone or something sacrifices it’s wellbeing for the benefit of another creature. Sometimes a creature will do something that helps other species reproduce, or help protect others, all while sacrificing their own wellbeing or possible their life. Ultimately altruism is the act of helping an other at the expense of self.

Question: The professor takes two examples to illustrate “altruism”. Explain how the examples are related to the reading passage.

TOEFL Speaking Question 34

Coloration is a phenomenon utilized by many animals for a variety of reasons. One use is called revealing coloration, and is when an animal suddenly reveals a bright color on their body. This color, which is usually hidden, will be revealed when the animal realizes it is in the presence of a predator. The sudden revelation of the color will usually startle the predator and allow the animal enough time to escape the dangerous situation.

Question: Explain Revealing coloration and how the example used by the professor illustrates the concept.

TOEFL Speaking Question 35

Behavior chaining is the process of breaking down tasks into small steps. People use behavior chaining daily for tasks such as cooking, cleaning, or work. For many students, especially children, behavior chaining is a useful learning tool that allows them to take a large concept or task and break it apart into smaller steps for easier understanding.

Question: Using the main points and examples describe behaviour chaining.

TOEFL Speaking Question 36

The phenomenon known as clinal variation is the process by which the character or features of a species gradually change from one area to another as they are influenced by environmental or geological changes. Although two animals are of the same species, they will have developed differently under climate variations, and thus would have different physiological features that meet their environmental needs.

Question: Explain Clinal variation and how the example used by the professor illustrates the concept.

TOEFL Speaking Question 37

Sunk costs are amounts of money invested in something that are unrecoverable. When operating a business, a person may put a large amount of money into products or plans despite their usefulness. These amounts of money, which are spent already, are sunk costs. Despite the usefulness of these expenditures, these funds are unrecoverable.

Question: Using the main points and examples describe sunk costs.

TOEFL Speaking Question 38

Diminishing returns is an economic principle that as time goes on a single source of value-based return will diminish as the potential for satisfaction decreases. According to the Law of Diminishing Returns, the value or enjoyment we get from something starts to decrease after a certain point. In economics, diminishing returns describes the circumstances under which a company increases a single part of their production process, while maintaining every other aspect of production, and in turn slightly slowing their overall production. This leads to a slightly lower output in the end and is thus called, diminishing returns, because the capital return is less due to slower production.

Question: Explain Diminishing returns and how the example used by the professor illustrates the concept.

TOEFL Speaking Question 39

Entertainment merchandising is a marketing practice in which a brand or image is used to sell other products typically unassociated with that product by using similar images. For example, the success of a movie might spark other industries to sell toys, t-shirts, or other merchandise featuring those characters. The opposite can occur also, in which a movie is made featuring toys that are already popular in an effort to help sell the movie.

Question: Explain Entertainment merchandising and how the example used by the professor illustrates the concept.

TOEFL Speaking Question 40

The phrase inequity aversion describes people’s inclination towards fairness and opposition to inequality to the point that they even display a dislike for inequalities that favor or disfavor themselves. Aside from speaking out against personal inequalities, people also compensate for situations in which they feel guilty or unhappy because they were on the positive end of an inequality.

Question: Explain Inequity aversion and how the example used by the professor illustrates the concept.

TOEFL Speaking Question 41

Modern advertisers utilize the theory of target marketing in which they advertise to a small audience who is predetermined to be most likely to buy a particular product. Rather than advertising to the population as a whole, they then spend smaller amounts of money advertising only to those people who they believe will buy their product. This method has proved to be very effective at reaching the target audiences.

Question: Explain Target marketing and how the example used by the professor illustrates the concept.

TOEFL Speaking Question 42

Solifluction is the name for the slow downhill flow of soil in arctic regions. It occurs slowly and is measured in millimeters or centimeters per year. It more or less uniformly affects the whole thickness of the soil rather than collecting in certain areas. A landscape affected by solifluction looks similar to the hummocky ground produced by extensive landslides but it has a more fluid look, like melted ice cream or runny cake frosting. The signs may persist long after arctic conditions have changed.

Question: Using the main point and examples from the lecture, describe solifluction.

TOEFL Speaking Question 43

Display rules are the socially accepted guidelines for when, where, and how a person displays emotions. Display rules identify appropriate emotional responses for varying situations within a particular culture, and can often vary from culture to culture. To be socially aware and conform to social norms requires understanding the display rules for suitable situations and contexts.

Question: Explain Display rules and how the example used by the professor illustrates the concept.

TOEFL Speaking Question 44

The concept of the illusion of transparency is a person’s inclination to think that others automatically know their feelings. In this concept, a person who feels nervous thinks that everyone around them recognizes that emotion. This in turn leads to further feelings of nervousness and anxiety, despite the fact that studies have shown this phenomenon to not be a reality.

Question: Using the main points and examples from the lecture, describe the illusion of transparency

TOEFL Speaking Question 45

A self-fulfilling prophecy occurs when a person acts based on a false pre-supposition, forcing their thoughts to become the reality. In this instance a person will act upon what they believe to be true, rather than the reality of a situation. An athlete who believes they will lose, may in fact lose simply because they have already made up their mind about their reality.

Question: Using the main points and examples from the lecture, describe self-fufilling prophecy

TOEFL Speaking Question 46

Often a person’s actions as an adult are influenced by their emotional development as a child. Studies have found that an infant who receives affectionate touches will not have as much aggression. Similarly, parent’s demonstrating a loving nature generates positive hormones and limits negative hormones in their children, limiting anxiety and stress.

Question: The professor used examples to illustrate the importance of emotional development in children. Explain how the two examples are related to the lecture topic.

TOEFL Speaking Question 47

Word framing is the concept that people make choices to describe a situation in a positive or negative way. In the typical situation of describing something as half-full or half-empty, a person chooses to frame something around language that alters the emotions of the people they’re speaking to. The intention of word framing is to affect how people feel and act within a certain situation.

Question: The professor takes two examples to illustrate “word framing”. Explain how the examples are related to the reading passage.

TOEFL Speaking Question 48

Exposure therapy is a psychological behavior therapy designed to expose people to their fears or anxieties in an effort to overcome them. In non-dangerous methods, doctors will expose a patient to something which makes them anxious, teaching them that their feelings are unnecessary or unjustified, in an effort to overcome that unwanted behavior.

Question: Using the main points and examples describe Exposure therapy.

TOEFL Speaking Question 49

The halo effect, also known as the cognitive bias, is the process by which a person takes one aspect of a person’s character and makes biased assumptions about that person based on that single perception, assuming that they have other traits they may not have. Assuming a great pastry chef is great at cooking all types of food is an example of the halo effect. People often make mistakes of associating traits with one another, even when they aren’t true.

Question: Using the main points and examples describe the Halo Effect.

TOEFL Speaking Question 50

The familiarity principle is a psychological occurrence where people have preferences based upon their familiarity. This most often affects people’s decisions. Most people choose to live in an area where they are most familiar. People also choose to eat and cook foods with which they are most familiar. Even in the business world, people will often make decisions based around informed familiarity.

Question: Using the main points and examples describe Familiarity principle.

TOEFL Speaking Question 51

Reward theory of attraction is the social occurrence by which people surround themselves by others that they find rewarding to them or are associated with rewarding events. In certain circumstances those rewarding situations my be as simple as personal gratification by someone liking you, or can be more largely associated with monetary or social success.

Question: Using the main points and examples from the lecture, describe Reward theory of attraction.

TOEFL Speaking Question 52

Behavior modification refers to the process by which humans adapt their behavior to meet favorable circumstances or avoid unfavorable circumstances. When a person learns that a behavior is associated with pleasant consequences, they will continue. When a person learns that a behavior is associated with negative consequences they will reform their behavior. This is common in everyday setting in which people adapt their behavior based on what they have learned.

Question: Explain Behavior Modification and how the example used by the professor illustrates the concept.

TOEFL Speaking Question 53

Nonverbal language is a phrase that describes the expression of human emotions without the use of verbal declarations. The most common forms of nonverbal language are facial expressions and body movements. These forms of nonverbal language function in many ways by either enhancing the verbal language presented, allowing people to interact silently, or revealing people’s true emotions despite their verbal language.

Question: Explain Nonverbal Languages and how the example used by the professor illustrates the concept.

TOEFL Speaking Question 54

Groupthink describes the process that a group follows in which individuals try to conform their opinions to what they believe are the opinions of the group, and as a result the group makes a bad decision. In groupthink, because people wish to be liked, fear losing their job, or don’t want to limit the group’s progress, individuals will conform their thinking to that of the group, even it they know the thinking is flawed and or misguided.

Question: Explain Groupthink and how the example used by the professor illustrates the concept.

TOEFL Speaking Question 55

A social interaction is any situation in which people are aware of each other’s presence and engage in some sort of contact, even silently. Obviously, people talking is an interaction, but even if two people consciously ignore each other, they are silently interacting. Only those situations where two or more people are consciously interfacing are considered social interactions.

Question: Using the main points and examples describe social interaction.

TOEFL Speaking Question 56

The idea of a majority influence is the circumstances under which people alter their behavior to fit in with the majority of people, such as inadvertent peer pressure. This occurs when people want to fit in with a crowd. The inverse of that, a minority influence, is when a small group of people is able to alter the perceptions of a larger group of people. This can occur when a small group or individual garners enough respect to change a larger group.

Question: Use the main points and examples from the lecture to describe two types of influences majority and minority.

TOEFL Speaking Question 57

Ergonomic design is the process of designing objects with reference to the design and characteristics of human beings that make their interaction easier. Using ergonomic design, businesses have designed their products for human use to avoid repetitive strain injuries, such as utilizing rubber handles, adding curves to chairs, and other features which match the more natural needs of human features while interacting with these products.

Question: Using the main points and examples describe Ergonomic design.

TOEFL Speaking Question 58

Internal attribution is the process where people place blame for circumstances or results on some factor that they control. For example if a person does poorly on a test, they would blame themselves for not studying. External attribution, on the other hand, is when a person blames their circumstance or results on some factor that is outside their control. In this situation the person assumes that the result would have been the same for any other person in that situation.

Question: Using the main points and examples describe internal attribution

TOEFL Speaking Question 59

In psychology there are two types of memory, explicit and implicit. Explicit memory includes those events that a person has a conscious recollection of, including facts and names. Implicit memories are events for which the person has no conscious recollection yet they display emotional responses to circumstances which signal they’ve had an experience of that situation that is recorded in their brain.

Question: Explain Implicit memory and how the example used by the professor illustrates the concept.

TOEFL Speaking Question 60

Cognitive dissonance describes the moments where a person’s actions and their beliefs do not fall into line, and there emerges a rift between what they are doing and what they believe they should be doing. In these moments, people often alter their thinking, making exceptions or excuses, so they can resolve what appears to be a contradictory action without actually changing either their thinking or their actions.

Question: Explain Cognitive Dissonance and how the example used by the professor illustrates the concept.

TOEFL Speaking Question 61

A halo error is a circumstance in which a person mistakenly evaluates a person’s performance based on the evaluator’s impressions rather than the actual performance. This bias can be a result of the evaluator holding feelings or thoughts about the performer that in turn influences their overall perceptions of that person outside of their ability.

Question: Explain Halo error and how the example used by the professor illustrates the concept.

TOEFL Speaking Question 62

Often, when faced with a problem, people will fall back on previous experiences to help them make decisions. This limits their scope to the solutions they have known to work in the past. This process is known as utilizing mental sets. These mental sets can help us at times, but at other times they limit a person’s potential to think of new and innovative solutions outside of their set, known experiences.

Question: Explain Mental set and how the example used by the professor illustrates the concept.

TOEFL Speaking Question 63

Insight learning describes the situation where a person has a sudden realization due to contemplation. As opposed to insight gained from trial and error or learning from others, insight learning comes from personal speculation and review, as an entirely cognitive experience, before coming to an answer and acting upon the sudden knowledge gained.

Question: Explain Insight learning and how the example used by the professor illustrates the concept.

TOEFL Speaking Question 64

Behavior contracts are widely used tools in education for helping correct student behavior. In a behavior contract the student and teacher set out explicit expectations for future behavior as well as conditions for earning rewards in return. By gaining the student input, the teacher helps to assure the student’s motivated to follow the terms of the behavior contract they help to write.

Question: Explain Behavior contract and how the example used by the professor illustrates the concept.

TOEFL Speaking Question 65

Source amnesia is a psychological phenomenon in which people can recall factual information, but are not able to recall where, when, or how they acquired that knowledge. This is possibly a malfunctioning of explicit memory, so people are able to recall factual knowledge, but not the episode or context in which that knowledge was gained.

Question: Explain Source amnesia and how the example used by the professor illustrates the concept.

TOEFL Speaking Question 66

Negativity bias is a psychological occurrence in which people have greater recall of negative events rather than positive events. In an effort to avoid those negative occurrences again, humans have the ability to recall those times with greater ease. This means people are highly influenced by their negative events in an effort to have good future experiences.

Question: Explain Negativity bias and how the example used by the professor illustrates the concept.

TOEFL Speaking Question 67

Impact bias is the propensity for people to overestimate their feelings about a future event, despite not knowing the reality of that event. For example, people may overestimate the impact of a negative event, only to find out later that the feelings were not as drastic and insurmountable as they initially believed. Problems can occur when people anchor themselves to a belief and let that belief affect their choices without knowing the true outcome.

Question: Explain Impact bias and how the example used by the professor illustrates the concept.

TOEFL Speaking Question 68

A sweeping generalization is when a generally accepted rule is applied to a circumstance in which that rule is not typically applicable. These would be situations in which an oversimplification of the circumstances leads someone to false or misguided conclusions. Assuming someone is a rancher just because they are from Texas, is a sweeping generalization.

Question: Explain sweeping generalization and how the example used by the professor illustrates the concept.

TOEFL Speaking Question 69

Customer lock-in is the economic concept in which a company creates a product or service that doesn’t easily transition to use with competitor products or services. For example, a company may create computer software that is only compatible with their computers and cannot easily be used with competing computers. Other times, inefficient processes or contract restraints cause customer lock-in.

Question: Using the main points and examples describe customer lock-in .

TOEFL Speaking Question 70

Opportunity cost is the business term for a situation in which someone is considering the best alternative among choices. With any choice there are opportunities lost by considering that option and eliminating others. Those things lost, weighed against the gains from the option taken, are the opportunity cost. It is the cost of not having the other benefits that must be weighed.

Question: Using the main points and examples describe opportunity cost.

TOEFL Speaking Question 71

A strategic alliance is an agreement between two or more companies that is aimed at helping them mutually attain their goals through effective aid. The goal is to help each other to increase profits, thus justifying the alliance. However, as soon as the alliance loses it’s beneficence towards all parties, the agreement is dissolved or restructured.

Question: Using the main points and examples describe strategic alliance.

TOEFL Speaking Question 72

The founder effect occurs when a small number of a species gets separated from the larger group, creating a new population with less genetic variation. This limited variation in turn creates distinctly different genetic types different from the original parent population. This is the process that leads to new types of species throughout the planet.

Question: Using the main points and examples describe founder effect.

TOEFL Speaking Question 73

Vertical migration is a pattern of behaviors by certain creatures that move vertically within their environment each day. In the ocean or seas, animals will move either to the surface, or deep into the water depending on various factors including light, temperature, salinity, and predators. Often this choice of vertical migration is influenced by biological factors related to that species.

Question: Using the main points and examples describe Vertical migration.

TOEFL Speaking Question 74

University management wants to increase art awareness on campus by displaying paintings and other artworks by students in very visible places. I think the lobby at the entrance to the student center would be a fantastic place for an art exhibition. Many students pass through the place every day so the artworks would be viewed by hundreds of people. The massive glass windows fronting the lobby let in a lot of natural light. This light makes the lobby a perfect place for displaying art because art should be seen clearly to be appreciated.

Question: Briefly summarize the proposal in the client’s letter. Then state the woman’s opinion about the proposal and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.

TOEFL Speaking Question 75

Heating costs and the university’s heating bills reached record levels last year. The university is determined to cut heating costs. It plans to do so by lowering the temperature in classroom buildings on workdays after 5 pm when classes end for the day, and on weekends, when there are no scheduled classes. The university management believes that this decision will not have a negative impact on students and their studies because classes will not be in session during the “cool off” period. The management considers it essential that energy- and cost-saving measures should not interfere with student activities.

Question: The woman expresses her opinion about the plan described in the reading. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding these opinions.

TOEFL Speaking Question 76

From the start of next month the University Dining Services will change their breakfast menus at university dining halls. Hot breakfasts will no longer be served. Instead, students will be offered a wider choice of cold breakfast options. The cold breakfast options, for example freshly sliced fruit platters, non-fat yoghurt, bread and smoked salmon platters, are healthier than many of the hot breakfast menu options we have included so far. Health-conscious students should welcome the change, so should dollar-conscious students. This move will save students money because limiting the choice to cold food items is more cost-effective and affordable.

Question: The man expresses his opinion about the change in breakfast menus that the university has announced. State his opinion and state his reasons for holding that opinion.

TOEFL Speaking Question 77

The school board has decided, alongside the librarian, to provide a limited amount of lockers for fourth-grade students in the library. This may not make sense to many of you, but we have found that the fourth-grade students are the majority of people who visit the library, and the lockers would allow them to place their personal items in the locker while they browse for books or sit and read. Considering the majority of fourth-grade students are smaller than their upperclassmen we found it only right to allow them an area to put their things safely away, instead of being forced to carry their heavy bags with them while in the library.

Question: The man expresses his opinion about the announcement. State his opinion and explain the reasons that he gives for holding that opinion.

TOEFL Speaking Question 78

I propose that the university implement mandatory quiet hours in all dormitories from 10 PM to 8 AM. This policy would create a better environment for students who need to study at night without being disturbed by noise from other residents. Currently, many students struggle to focus on their assignments and review their textbooks due to loud music, conversations, or other activities in the dorms late at night. Not only that, but quiet hours would ensure everyone can get enough sleep at night, ultimately improving everyone’s overall well-being.

Question: The woman states her opinion of the proposed plan. Briefly summarize the plan, and then state the reasons the woman gives for her opinion.

TOEFL Speaking Question 79

Social impact framing is a communication approach employed by companies to influence public perception and enhance their corporate image. This technique involves carefully managing the public perception of their activities by emphasizing their positive social contributions while reducing potential criticisms. Companies use language, visuals, and storytelling to position themselves as champions of social causes and align their brand with values that resonate with consumers. By employing social impact framing, businesses seek to build trust, enhance brand loyalty, and attract consumers that care deeply about social issues.

Question: Using the examples from the lecture, explain the concept of social impact framing.

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