IELTS Vocabulary

1. fantastic
They did a fantastic job.

2. amazing
she makes the most amazing cakes.

3. absurd
Gym shorts looked absurd on such a tall girl.

4. unbelievable
Your audacity is unbelievable.

5. intelligent
Annabelle is intelligent and hardworking.

6. annoyed
Kelly was annoyed with him.

7. gorgeous
Such a gorgeous color and exquisite decoration.

8. brilliant
You are a brilliant young mathematician.

9. monotonous
Soon we heard a low, monotonous wailing of many voices.

10. doleful
We dislike that doleful consequence.

11. stringent
California’s air pollution guidelines are stringent.

12. efficient
It’s an energy efficient heating system.

13. outstanding
The team’s outstanding performance impresses me very

14. adventurous
They wanted more adventurous meals.

15. impatient
They are impatient for change.

16. practical
There are two obvious practical applications of the research.

17. romantic
He’s very handsome, and so romantic.

18. deliberate
He is a careful and deliberate worker.

19. ambitious
The scope of the book is very ambitious.

20. organized
I am systematic and organized enough to save things.

21. reserved
He is a reserved, almost taciturn man.

22. sociable
We will visit a very sociable little village.

23. talkative
The talkative driver hadn’t stopped chatting.

24. unusable
The steps were overgrown and unusable.

25. avid
She was avid for information about the murder inquiry.

26. greedy
They got the greedy thief who plundered a defense contractor.

27. understanding
Foreign visitors with little understanding of English.

28. dedicated
Investing in dedicated bike lanes will encourage more bicycle

29. incurable
The claim that a product can cure an incurable disease should
sound alarms.

30. pretty
She is a pretty little girl with an engaging grin.

31. outgoing
She’s an extremely affable, jovial, outgoing type of person.

32. disorganize
Attacks on leading government figures might disorganize the

33. frank
It’s a long and frank discussion.

34. generous
She was generous with her money.

35. tolerant
We must be tolerant of others.

36. inexperienced
This young lady is an inexperienced driver.

37. mischievous
Two mischievous kittens had decorated the bed with shredded

38. sensitive
The new method of protein detection was more sensitive than
earlier ones.

39. sensible
I cannot believe that it is sensible to spend so much.

40. emotional
He was a strongly emotional young man.

41. sentimental
She felt a sentimental attachment to the place creep over her.

42. responsible
The gene was responsible for a rare type of eye cancer.

43. supportive
The staff are extremely supportive of each other.

44. passive
The women were portrayed as passive victims.

45. costive
If he did ask her she would become costive.

46. stingy
His employer is stingy and idle.

47. malignant
They were in the hands of malignant fate.

48. vigilant
The burglar was spotted by vigilant neighbors.

49. omnipotent
They argued an omnipotent sovereign on that point.

50. fierce
He kissed her with a fierce, demanding passion.

51. severe
The charges would have warranted a severe sentence.

52. intriguing
No one forgot that intriguing story.

53. retarded
In retrospect, it was a totally retarded idea.

54. discreet
We made some discreet inquiries.

55. discreditable
He must stop his discreditable conduct.

56. thrifty
I’m cheap, or rather thrifty and money smart.

57. furtive
They spent a furtive day together.

58. shabby
A conscript in a shabby uniform saluted the car.

59. assertive
Patients should be more assertive with their doctors.

60. tangible
The emphasis is now on tangible results.

61. tempting
He cannot refuse a tempting financial offer like this.

62. tire
Soon the ascent grew steeper and he began to tire.

63. cynical
No one will accept her cynical attitude.

64. notorious
Los Angeles is notorious for its smog.

65. applicable
The same considerations are equally applicable to accident

66. agitated
There’s no point getting agitated.

67. boldly
You will have our support as long as you fight boldly against

68. eminent
He is one of the world’s most eminent statisticians.

69. dry
The jacket kept me warm and dry.

70. doleful
We dislike his doleful look.

71. unavoidable
It’s the natural and unavoidable consequences of growing old.

72. inevitable
They believe that war was inevitable.

73. dignified
She maintained a dignified silence.

74. indispensable
He made himself indispensable to the parish priest.

75. cunning
A cunning look came into his eyes.

76. reveal
The clouds were breaking up to reveal a clear blue sky.

77. flashy
He always had a flashy car.

78. impressive
The photo shows us an impressive view of the mountains.

79. rational
I’m sure there’s a perfectly rational explanation.

80. reasonable
It seems a reasonable enough request.

65. applicable
The same considerations are equally applicable to accident

66. agitated
There’s no point getting agitated.

67. boldly
You will have our support as long as you fight boldly against

68. eminent
He is one of the world’s most eminent statisticians.

69. dry
The jacket kept me warm and dry.

70. doleful
We dislike his doleful look.

71. unavoidable
It’s the natural and unavoidable consequences of growing old.

72. inevitable
They believe that war was inevitable.

73. dignified
She maintained a dignified silence.

74. indispensable
He made himself indispensable to the parish priest.

75. cunning
A cunning look came into his eyes.

76. reveal
The clouds were breaking up to reveal a clear blue sky.

77. flashy
He always had a flashy car.

78. impressive
The photo shows us an impressive view of the mountains.

79. rational
I’m sure there’s a perfectly rational explanation.

80. reasonable
It seems a reasonable enough request.

81. miserable
Their happiness made Anne feel even more miserable.

82. spontaneous
The audience broke into spontaneous applause.

83. industrious
He struck me as being particularly hardworking, energetic and

84. studious
We all noticed his studious absence from public view.

86. indolent
They didn’t want any competition in the lazy and indolent
87. cosmopolitan
His knowledge of French, Italian, and Spanish made him
genuinely cosmopolitan.

88. radiant
She gave him a radiant smile.

89. versatile
She just brought a versatile sewing machine.

90. canny
The canny shoppers came early for a bargain.

91. cautious
The plan received a cautious welcome.

92. discreet
We made some discreet inquiries.

93. immortal
Our mortal bodies are inhabited by immortal souls.

95. extravagant
It was rather extravagant to buy both.

96. idle
Being idle won’t pay the bills

97. abstemious
The monks here have willingly chosen this abstemious life.

98. frugal
He led a remarkably frugal existence.

99. wholehearted
You have my wholehearted support.

100. competent
She spoke quite competent French.

101. sympathetic
He was sympathetic toward staff with family problems.

102. compassionate
One of the lessons she tried to teach her son is to be

103. eccentric
My favorite aunt is very eccentric.

104. interpersonal
You will need good interpersonal skills.

105. introversive
Try to find out those children in your class who are

106. cozy
We have a cozy chat in lunch room.

107. lax
He asked to improve lax security arrangements at the airport.

108. conceited
Not to be vain or conceited , but it was the truth and anyone
sensible would agree.

109. extraordinary
Young children need extraordinary amounts of attention.

110. vernal
We are shocked by the vernal freshness of the land.

111. futile
He knew it’s a futile attempt to keep fans from mounting the

112. crooked
His teeth were yellow and crooked.

113. timorous
We heard her timorous voice and felt her nervousness.

114. harsh
The story took place on days of harsh military discipline.

115. consecutive
The project will last five consecutive months.

116. anti clockwise
To release the cover, move anti clockwise.

117. clockwise
Please turn the knob clockwise.

118. dread
Jane was dreading the party.

119. instinctive
She has an instinctive distaste for conflict.

120. bleak
She looked around the bleak little room in despair.

121. brisk
I usually have a good brisk walk in the morning.

122. caustic
The players were making caustic comments about the

123. brittle
Her bones became fragile and brittle.

124. unceasing
The success is from the unceasing efforts of staffs.

125. climatic
Under certain climatic conditions, desert locusts increase in

126. clumsy
A terribly clumsy fellow ruins efforts of all team members.

127. considerate
The girl is the quietest and most considerate tenants possible.

128. coherent
They failed to develop a coherent economic strategy.

129. incredible
They did an almost incredible tale of triumph and tragedy.

130. constant
The company has kept its prices fairly constant.
