JOHN : Watching television! Is it any good?
MARIA : Not bad.
ACTOR : Darling
ACTRESS : Darling
ACTOR : Darling. I’ve loved you ever since I first saw you.
ACTOR : And I you.
JOHN : That’s a bit old-fashioned isn’t it?
MARIA : Sh. I can’t hear what’s happening.
ACTRESS : I only feel sorry that I met you so late. Just 10 think of all the years we haven’t had together.
ACTOR : Oh Susan.
ACTRESS : Oh, Melvyn.
JOHN : I wish they’d get a move on.
MARIA : John I do wish you’d shut up.
JOHN : I won’t breathe another word.
ACTOR : Susan.
ACTRESS : Melvyn.
ACTOR : I just like saying your name.
ACTRESS : And I yours.
ACTOR : I can’t believe we’re really together at last. That first time I met you. Remember?
ACTRESS : Oh how could I ever forget!
ACTOR : You standing in the corner of the elevator in that department store.
ACTOR :Â Frowning at me because I trod on your toe
ACTRESS : Oh no! because I loved you. I knew it at once. But I didn’t want to admit it to myself.
JOHN : Oh God! ‘Frowning at me because I trod on 30 your toe.’ How can you watch such sentiment- tal rubbish?
MARIA : It isn’t rubbish. If you knew the background, you’d find it very moving.
JOHN : Well, what is the background?
MARIA : Well, he’s a fur trapper and she’s the daughter of a murderer, who’s fleeing justice in the snow-covered forests of North America.
JOHN : Then how did they meet in the lift of a department store?
MARIA : Yes. I don’t quite know. That is a bit odd.
ACTOR : Susan. Oh, Susan.
ACTRESS : Oh, Melvyn. Don’t ever let me go.