How long student can stay in abroad after complete their degree course ?

When an aspirant goes for study abroad program he has a few aspects in mind which are related to the course he is going for and how long that course would take and how will he be able to support himself in the financial management of his own, being in the foreign country.

The other question arises that will he or she is able to stay there after completing the education or some other formalities has to be done. So to make it a little clear there are few important things that an individual should be aware of. When we talk about the students VISAs, it allows the students to stay in the other country for the time duration of their studies which means the student can stay there till he or she is pursuing the course, but if the student is looking out for the job after completing the course he can stay in the country after completing the higher academic program under OPT which is the Optional Practice Training. It permits the students to achieve the practical knowledge and gain the practical experience of working in the corporate world after the student’s life. All the F1 students are permitted to 1 year extension under OPT for every higher degree they gain.

student can stay in  abroad  after complete  their  degree courseOn the other hand, students who complete their degree on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) may have the extended stay of 17 months after the E verification is done by the employer where the student is applying.  The E verification process is different in different countries across the globe.

OPT MUST BE RELATED TO STUDENT’S FIELD OF STUDY. The student can’t accept the OPT till it is approved by DHS (Department of Homeland and Security). During the extended stay student can work on the student’s visa and if the employer sponsors H1B then they can convert the student visa  Work visa. This work VISA extends the stay by 29 months.

Courses in USAMS in usaStudents life in ForeignStudents visa for stay on the foreign landstudy in usa

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